By the way, you can listen to me read this post aloud on my Patreon, along with many other audio recordings. Four ginever glasses sit on a mirrored table at Distilleerderij’t Nieuwe Diep in F…
this is AI but it felt a lot more guy with broken gear
would benefit from delving (!) deeper in library science/archival science/philosophy and their application to history
Ooh, would you say more about this? I have opinions, but that’s because I’m a programmer now but formerly a librarian & archivist (on the digital side, it’s more common to go back and forth between them; it’s the same degree).
Ooh, would you say more about this? I have opinions, but that’s because I’m a programmer now but formerly a librarian & archivist (on the digital side, it’s more common to go back and forth between them; it’s the same degree).