• @vzq
    651 month ago

    And still we’re at 4% market share. They don’t seem to be doing a very good job.

    • @BReel@lemmy.one
      111 month ago

      Not the best job, but I guarantee it’s having an effect.

      I say this as someone who finally gave Linux another chance about a month ago (due to annoyances with Microsoft) and it’s going really well!

      Even a noob like me can just install KDE and learn a few “launch through steam” tricks and I’ve had very minimal issues!

      I think a lot of the casuals like me still think Linux is all terminals and command lines, but it’s clear it doesn’t have to be now. And Microsoft’s campaign is what pushed me to come look again!

    • @gamermanh@lemmy.dbzer0.com
      81 month ago

      Market share is going to be a pretty bad metric for this kind of thing because businesses and government are going to stick with even old ass windowsnl installs long after any normal user would have at least upgraded, if not moved to Linux.

      Just in my office alone there’s got to be at least 50 PCs running windows, and I bet half of the people here don’t even have a machine at home, so that’s 75 PCs or so amongst just me and my co-workers, and even if every assumed worker went Linux today we’d still be at over 50% windows market share of people who work at my office.

      So like, unless multiple businesses and governments that have shown to not care already suddenly decide to were never going to see 50% adoption

      Unless we stop including businesses and similar in that share stat.

    • Possibly linuxOP
      71 month ago

      You must be joking. 4% is kind of huge. We are talking about hundreds of thousands of users

      • And it’s been less than a year since we passed the 3% mark. Linux adoption is accelerating rapidly, and that’s only going to increase as its market share continues to grow and more vendors start supporting it.

      • @dustyData@lemmy.world
        21 month ago

        It’s more than that, this is why such a small percent number can be so misleading. There are billions of computers active in the world, even if we limit ourselves to only desktops and laptops, nearly half a billion personal computers are made and sold each year (Lenovo alone sells over 80 million every year). Under 4% we are talking about roughly a hundred million devices running Linux desktop.

    • Resol van Lemmy
      31 month ago

      Be glad that it’s actually growing. It used to be so much lower.

      And we’re gonna make it grow so much more.

    • @trolololol@lemmy.world
      11 month ago

      Got any sources? I like following that but I never remember to bookmark

      2025 year of the Linux desktop gooooo brrrrrr

          • Andromxda 🇺🇦🇵🇸🇹🇼
            101 month ago

            What they’re doing in regards to the environment and paying their workers fair wages (throughout the entire supply chain) is great - unfortunately their security practices aren’t. I think buying a Pixel second hand is the best option, it also saves you some money. You already get extended security updates by using GrapheneOS, as they provide full OS updates for the entire period in which Google supplies (firmware) security updates (which tends to be a few years more than they provide Android feature updates. e.g. the Pixel 6a gets 3 years of feature updates but 5 years of security updates. GrapheneOS provides feature updates for the full 5 years).

            • @mightyfoolish@lemmy.world
              1 month ago

              I would not recommend a Pixel 6 or anything newer. Samsung can’t seem to get 5g working on their own modems (chip that connects to carrier). Samsung generally uses Qualcomm modems for their expensive products. I do hear less people complain with the Pixel 8 but no one should be complaining about a modem in a phone.

              • Andromxda 🇺🇦🇵🇸🇹🇼
                21 month ago

                I wouldn’t recommend anything older than a Pixel 6, because the 5a will reach its EOL in August, and all the older devices already reached their EOL. Regarding the modem, I don’t know what you are talking about, I never had any issues on the 6a and the 7 Pro, and never heard about such issues. But feel free to explain this to me.

                • @mightyfoolish@lemmy.world
                  11 month ago

                  I have the 6. I set my phone to prefer LTE to gain HOURS of battery life and to get a more stable connection. I always have an issue where the phone may take a minute after pressing call to actually initiate a phone call.

                  My next phone is probably going to be OnePlus. Either the 6T on PostMarketOS if it actually works or just the latest cheaper model (but I’ll wait till the 13, the 6 is only like 2.5 years old).

    • bruhduh
      271 month ago

      True that, OP did Gabe dirty, Gabe tried selling Linux before it became mainstream

      • @answersplease77@lemmy.world
        41 month ago

        but, and correct me if I’m wrong, steam still does not support good graphics on linux. It still only runs on X11 and has no wayland support. So many linux users switch temporarily to windows for gaming only. Valve needs to make the adoption happen faster. They’re the ones still holding gamers from switching from windows, not promote linux as you say. Not to mention tons of top games that still can only run on windows without any way around it (proton compatibility does not work on all games)

        • @dustyData@lemmy.world
          1 month ago

          Dude, shut up. SteamOS is Wayland. Only the Deck shell (and KDE desktop mode used to) uses X in XWayland mode. But all games run on Wayland. Without Steam massive push of Proton we wouldn’t have the booming Linux gaming scene that we have now. You fucking lot are insufferable, this is why nobody likes Wayland. It is super good, massively better than it was before. Can it be better? Yes, sure. But shut up and let people cook, would you? Recognize a good thing when it happens. Just because it isn’t perfect yet doesn’t mean it isn’t good.

          EDIT: You can downvote all you want, that doesn’t change the fact that SteamOS is Wayland, it runs the Gamescope compositor. You asked to be corrected, here I’m correcting you.

          • @answersplease77@lemmy.world
            21 month ago

            I want to say two things, but please ignore the first one, and just reply and focus on the second.

            1- you are insufferable.

            2- okay my linux is debian on wayland. Can I install and run steam on it without virtual machine? The last time I checked I was told no. If yes, then I will seek the solution and do it because I wish so.

            • @dustyData@lemmy.world
              1 month ago

              The Steam launcher client itself is still on X, it will run on Xwayland. What the store front Steam runs on is irrelevant though. The Steam helper will run the game on the best possible configuration for the machine, and gamescope can run proton compatibility on Wayland, as long as the game runs on a library that supports it. If the game doesn’t support a Wayland capable library, the game will be run through Xwayland. This is literally how the Steam Deck works. The Steam client not being Wayland is not on itself any limitation on the graphical quality of the games.

              • @answersplease77@lemmy.world
                31 month ago

                I’m putting what you said to work, and thank you for correcting me that’s very helpful. That gives linux users fewer reasons to ever need to touch the filth that is windows.

  • @TommySoda@lemmy.world
    361 month ago

    Honestly, I love windows 10 and windows 7 even more. I have had very little complaints with them and I miss 7 every day. But when support runs out for Windows 10 I’m switching. It seems every single day they come up with another stupid plan or “feature.” Whether it’s AI that’s barely helpful or forcing me to use their software and services, I’m exhausted with the obnoxiously aggressive tactics to get me to use them.

    • @ordellrb@lemmy.world
      341 month ago

      Didn’t Linus say once something like: the OS should not get in the way of the User and just launch there Programs and Manage Resources. This is my Main issue with Windows: all the popups, non scipable settings, and the New “features” are on by default

    • Icalasari
      201 month ago

      Or their current debacle where they are having constant screenshots of a person’s computer

  • @answersplease77@lemmy.world
    61 month ago

    True this was my story. I never had in my mind any idea what linux was and never had the slightest desire to change from windows. I considered myself tech savy and able to do and change anything in windows until they forced my laptop hardware to find out that this can’t be the only OS that works as a PC. With W10 end-of-life and after seeing what W11 has become, it’s inevitable that the majority of the whole world will soon shift away from them to linux flavors such as POP OS or mint.

  • Lad
    41 month ago

    I literally only play games on my windows PC, so far there’s been no reason for me to switch to Linux. I’ll probably only use it when I get a steam deck

    • @GoodEye8@lemm.ee
      131 month ago

      Ironically I play on Linux and have felt no need to switch back to Windows. The games that refuse to have their anticheat function in Proton are games I’m not playing anyway and so far the only thing that requires significant tinkering is modding Skyrim, but that’s something I’m not planning on doing any time soon.

      I’ll take the faster and more responsive OS thank you very much.

  • @IsThisAnAI@lemmy.world
    21 month ago

    I can’t tell if you folks don’t realize this is true, not because Windows is bad, but because Windows + WSL is so good lol.

    • Possibly linuxOP
      61 month ago

      WSL is kind of a pain to use. I would prefer to use either native Linux or Virtualbox

    • @dirtsquared@lemmy.world
      31 month ago

      Can you tell me how? WSL1 isn’t a true VM and breaks all the time on me and as far as I can tell WSL2 doesn’t have any proper PCIE or USB passthrough. If I could solve those problems things would be better.

    • @dustyData@lemmy.world
      11 month ago

      WSL is so garbage and an admittance from Microsoft that developers only put up with Windows due to corporate mandate. Nobody enjoys developing on Windows.

      • @IsThisAnAI@lemmy.world
        11 month ago

        It’s insane what a little bubble some of you folks live in. Someone told me the other day that storing pii on SharePoint in the EU was illegal and nobody was doing it. Plenty of developers LOVE Windows + WSL.