Edit: Due to popular demand FatTony Search servers are down for the time being. but has gone open source just in time (Yes that’s how it works 😡) . You may now get responses from other users. Servers will be back up some time later.
Edit: Due to popular demand FatTony Search servers are down for the time being. but has gone open source just in time (Yes that’s how it works 😡) . You may now get responses from other users. Servers will be back up some time later.
Mark Zuckerberg now a backstreet boy
I don’t know who the backstreet boys are but here you go:
You fucking what
Oh god
Oh fuck I’m so old
So this is what it feels like.
Edit: I’m going to take this moment to let those of you who are not aware know how how many hits Max Martin wrote in the '90s and beyond.
You are, my fire
My one, desiiiiire
My one, desire
Same, I can feel the wrinkles crack on the corners of my eye.
My bones creak when I move.
Ain’t nothing but a heartache
Ah, yeah heart issues can be a problem with age.
Just hit me with the truth, babe
Now this is content
Looks more like N’Sync to be honest.