Since countering Aldean’s claim the video only contains “real news footage,” Destinee Stark has received a wave of hateful messages from defenders of the song.
Since countering Aldean’s claim the video only contains “real news footage,” Destinee Stark has received a wave of hateful messages from defenders of the song.
He didn’t even write the song.
So? He chose to record it. Pretty sure he understands English at at least a rudimentary level, and the choice of setting for the video was NOT a coincidence. He deserves all the derision he’s getting.
I agree, I’m just a bit baffled as to why he would choose to do this song. I mean, it would be bad enough if he composed it, but to hear it and think “yes, I want to say that” is just beyond understanding for me. It’s almost like setting a trump speech to music. So. Weird.
Recent polling indicates that something like 20% of the country still think the election was stolen, so it’s not that surprising. All that Aldean did was to confirm to the world beyond a shadow of doubt who exactly he is as a person.
@gravitas_deficiency @Jakdracula
Yup. He should change his name from Aldean to Aldumb.
“There’s no such thing as bad publicity”
-Phineas T. Barnum
All the derision like being #1 or #2 on all the charts?
Guess you can’t cancel someone in a small town either. 😂
But you can “cancel” the Dixie Chicks for criticizing Bush Jr. Weird that that is what contemporary country fans can’t handle and implied threats of violence are just fine.
Small towns do enough to “cancel” themselves lmao. Keep voting for that corporate boot that turns small towns into barren shitholes full of meth and bigotry.
So there’s lots of racists that buy country music, I’m shocked, knock me down with a feather…
Almost none of them do. They’re just mouthpieces for the Nashville pop trash machine.
And their fans don’t give a shit. I’ve lurked on some Facebook posts about this in the last week and I want to barf.
Thank you for your service.
Was he forced to perform it? Record it? Defend it?
He knew there’s enough idiots who will take it up as their anthem as he rakes in the cash and laughs at how gullible his trash fans are
It’s all AI, these days. Or at least most of it sounds like some garbage an AI would write
With how garbage the lyrics are it’s definitely AI. If I had no moral scruples and was asked to write a song like this, I could do a far better job.
No different than every other samey sounding auto tuned pop star
Country…hah, they wish. A pop artist having an accent and tickling the lizard parts of uneducated people’s brains doesn’t make you a country singer