Start learning at 50 I’ve always wanted to learn programming. I’ve read a blog
post saying that at this age it was to late . Then I read a post here in saying
the opposite. I’ve found a site that was learn x in y minutes where it has a
bunch of languages there. After reading them, the languages that caught my
attention were Julia, Clojure and Go. Are any of these good for a beginner or
should I start with something else? I know what are variables, can spot an
if/else statement but that’s about it. What are some good resources for someone
like me who likes to learn by doing things?
After asking for a first programming language here, I’ve decided learning Go.
After some searching I’ve found that the beginner learning resources are some years old. Can anyone suggest some beginner resources for someone that likes to learn by doing stuff?
Thank you.
You’ll find Go From The Beginning much more suitable for working hands on with challenges relevant to each lesson.
Thank you