I’m actually writing this while watching.

I… I don’t know. It’s not terrible, but I am not finding the first episode to be all that promising. It kind of just feels like the first reboot. I’m sure there will be some good episodes though!

One of the most noticable things for me is the sound of Billy West’s characters. They all sound much lower now.

Also, my magazine name for this is now obsolete!

Anyone else have any thoughts?

  • FrickAndMortar@lemmy.ml
    2 years ago

    Just watched it - it was… ok. I think it’s important to remember that not all episodes have been winners, there were a lot of other episodes that have also been “ok”, too. I had a couple of chuckles, and after the wretched day I had, that was enough for today.

    I hope they got some of the “topical” stuff out of their system, I think it’ll get old if every new episode is a non-ending cavalcade of winks to real-world issues. I know they have more coming, I just hope it’s not a substitute for telling good stories.

    I do agree that some of the voice-acting sounded kind of off, but the one I noticed most was (mild spoiler ahead) the robot devil.