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      1 year ago

      Is 5G really that much more reliable than 4G? Because on 4G I often get spikes (of lengths between 2 seconds and several days) of low speeds, dropped packages, high latency, etc. Whereas I’ve never had an outage on fiber, nor has anyone else I know. Fiber is also not affected much by other peoples’ usage.

      I think fiber being shit is very much a regional thing, and mostly Northern American. It’s the lack of competition. A good fiber service will outperform a good wireless service any day of the week. And it can be done on the cheap too, if there’s competition. Romanians get gigabit fiber for like 8 euros a month and 300 mbps is the minimum speed offered I believe. The key is that you can’t let a single ISP own the entire network in an area. Should be government-owned ideally.

          1 year ago

          I’m not Romanian actually, it was an example of what fiber can be when your government doesn’t let monopolies happen.

          I’m glad 5G works for you. Here in Estonia it’s a lot more expensive than fiber and fiber itself is significantly overpriced (100 mbps being like 27 eur a month, unlimited cellular data more like 50 and that comes with no guarantees of speed or even availability).