Accounting for margin of error it may be more accurate to say there are roughly equal numbers of self-identified gay and bisexual men. Even still, this looks very little like the trend for women and would seem to go against the common idea of how people are distributed along the sexuality spectrum. Why do you guys think this might be?

Source is a Gallup poll from 2021. You can find their write up here:

    2 years ago

    As a pansexual, it can often feel like I’m getting shit on from all sides; transphobes because I date trans people, homophobes because I like kissing other guys, and most distressing of all from the queer community who can have a problem with biphobia (because I have straight-passing privilege, I assume).

    There’s also a LOT more women who are unwilling to date men who date men/trans people than there are men who refuse to date women who’ve been with women, for example. I assume this is due in part to bisexual/lesbian women being sexualized for the mainstream, and also because lesbian relationships are seen as “less serious” than M/F or M/M relationships. A woman who sleeps with women might be seen as “going through a phase” or “playing around”, but a guy who sleeps with guys is often seen as irrevocably tainted by homosexuality.