It seems that the community once concentrated at LWMA is now fractured. Some are here, some stayed and I suspect that some will follow thetinmen in his boycott.

I am not much of an activist myself. Growing up, I was quite lonely and occassionally bullied for not fitting in with the main group, and so I have operated under the assumption that I don’t want that to happen again. Thus, I have largely kept thoughts of advocating for mens rights or not being a feminist to myself.

So this community has been a breath of fresh air to me, seeing that I am not alone in my thoughts and seeing people argue for helping men without devolving into conservative talking points.

So how do we assure this community is not lost and broken?

    1 year ago

    Outreach and exposure are things I worry about a lot in terms of having this community on lemmy. Granted it doesn’t have to deal with the whims of random admins doing god knows what to the policies, mod permissions and api prices but the one thing I’ll give to reddit was the cross exposure across subreddits was unparalleled, it was a simple autocomplete /r/InsertSubredditNameHere and that ease of click through was a major factor in getting the word out to people who had similar outlooks to LWMA but may not have known to look for that kind of phrasing or name.

    In my ideal future, I hope this community can one day become it’s own instance with it’s own funding (patreon maybe) so as to make a self autonomous space for us to discuss media, research, personal issues and where we can come together.