Are we (linux) ready for arm devices like snapdragon elite X? Asahi runs on mac os with arm chips and the software somehow runs better than macos itself?! Is the softwares packaged for arm linux different? Is there much softwares available for the arm platform like softwares available for the intel/amd chipsets?

After all are you optimistic about linux and arm?

  • Matt The Horwood
    442 months ago

    Linux has been ready for ARM for a long time, Android is linux and have been running for a long time. Also see the Raspberry Pi and PiOS, based on Debian.

    I run a Pi and there are boat loads of things ARM ready

  • exu
    102 months ago

    Support by packages is generally there. What is lacking however, are drivers for video acceleration and many other soc- and often board-specific customisations required.

    X86 in contrary offers one unified and queriable interface (ACPI, UEFI) that makes custom images unnecessary. ARM has ServerReady for that, however I’m not aware of any consumer chip that implements this.

      12 months ago

      not aware of any consumer chip that implements this.

      And that’s on purpose.

      Also on purpose is the fact that no one is investigating ARM’S dominance.

    42 months ago

    I used a PineBook 2 as a secondary machine, daily, for a couple of years. I never felt constrained by the CPU architecture, barely noticed it mostly. I stopped using it because it fell apart physically, but it was perfectly stable. I’d get another if I could get a sturdier one.

  • @itslilith
    122 days ago

    ARM support is decent already, I just hope RISC-V catches on