#TidyTuesday Rolling Stone Album Rankings. Correlation between
@spotify popularity vs. Weeks spent in #Billboard200 by @billboard.
Data by @thepudding and @RollingStone
Tools #ggplot2, #ggimage, #magick by @jeroenooms, #geniusr
Arctic Monke
Me, playing Nevermind 300 times a day: Gonna have to bump it up to 500 times a day…
Is it possible (it appears to be) that the data for rolling stone album “weeks on chart” metric includes weeks outside of your sample range as well?
I could be wrong, but it looks like by counting weeks on top, this graph is comparing popularity from date the first album on the lost charted to 2020 vs just 2003-2020
For some reason they have the wrong art for AM that’s Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino.
or that overall popularity is sum of different factors? and also you should show 0 weeks in your y-axis evil laugh