Movie Trailers may have started out as a tool to sell films, but over time they have evolved into their own spectacle. Before a film is released there are a multitude of Theatrical Trailers, TV Spots, Web Shorts, and even Trailers before the Trailer starts. How did Hollywood turn from a simple marketing tool, to a an ever expansive industry of movie trailers that mostly give away the entire plot of the film? How did Hollywood crush the Movie Trailer?
@proprioception omg yes! I really don’t like how Hollywood trailers give away so much plot these days.
I’ve been refusing to watch trailers for a few years now. They always drop “surprise” characters in the trailers (Which, y’know, kinda ruins the whole fun of it.), spoil the whole idea of the movie, ruin some of the jokes for engagement, etc…
The only time I will even consider watching one is when I know fuck all about a film or what’s happening in it.
That’s a good idea.
I’m often looking for something to watch though, so I do watch trailers sometimes. If it’s something I want to see I try to only watch like, the first 1/3 of the trailer.
Strong agree
“These days”? They always have.
I don’t think it really started until the 1980s? OPs video seems to suggest that.
Take a look at this old trailer, there’s no way you would guess the plot from that.
The trailer for Park Chan-wook’s The Handmaiden is still one of the best trailers I’ve ever seen. It shows enough to make it mysterious and intriguing yet not giving anything away. It’s the same with his recent film Decision To Leave. I wish hollywood showed as much restraint as this.
I haven’t seen either of those and the trailers look fantastic.