It’s a slightly click-baity title, but as we’re still generating more content for our magazines, this one included, why not?

Unpopular opinions from last time include:

  • My Sci-fi unpopular opinion is that 2001: A Space Odyssey is nothing but pretentious, LSD fueled nonsense.

  • I could not get into the expanse at all.

  • My unpopular opinion is that I don’t like space operas.

What’s yours?

    6 months ago

    Almost ALL aliens in sci-fi have human form.

    Fantasy fiction should not be categorized near sci-fi AT ALL. Unless it is some sort of cross-over or hybrid, keep it away from the sci-fi.

    Old school sci-fi (Niven, Asimov, etc.) is WAY BETTER than this newfangled stuff.

    Dune and Star Wars blow.