• GreyShuck
    820 days ago

    Oh yes, very much - and not just with movies, but TV, novels, stage performance and the like.

    As a kid, it was just the overall visuals and spectacle as much as anything - details of the plot were secondary. Into my teens and early twenties and think that plot details came to dominate and after that exploring interesting concepts began to take priority. Then I guess that I began to appreciate the production side of things more: writing quality and cinematography etc maybe into my 30s and 40s. And these days (in my 50s) I am much more focused on character-driven things.

  • @De_Narm@lemmy.world
    720 days ago

    I don’t think it did change but I’m only around 30. I’ve always liked movies that make you think somewhat, have some major twist or are just plain funny.

    Think stuff like The Prestige, Moon, Ex Machina, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind or Knives Out.

  • edric
    420 days ago

    Not much come to think about it. I’ve always gravitated towards scifi since I was kid, and it’s still my top genre decades later. What I noticed I came to like as I got older was noir and political thrillers.

  • HubertManne
    319 days ago

    Not really but ever since LOTR my expectations are way higher. Im the curmudgeonly old man now complaining about how everything sucks. or your average internetters.

  • @GlitterInfection@lemmy.world
    319 days ago

    I used to be very picky about movies as a teenager, and tended towards more odd, surreal, films that I could find. For a long time Brazil was my favorite movie and Twin Peaks my favorite show.

    I was very closed minded and my first boyfriend’s sister referred to me as “the movie nazi” because I did not like Will Farrell, Adam Sandler, Tom Hanks, Sandra Bullock, and lots of other mainstream successful people.

    Now I am much more open to movies of all types, and I will watch movies with actors and actresses I have pre-biased towards distaste.

    My favorite movie is now Everything Everywhere All At Once, and favorite show is too many to choose from, but probably Adventure Time.