For now, to drink (and, especially, to produce) raw milk “is a way of breaking with convention and raging against the machine”, said Weiss, “while engaging in caveman-inspired biohacking”.
“Raw milkers want control over their lives”, said Weiss, and that includes their food.
We don’t need to attribute to malice what can be explained by sheer, unadulterated, absolute, abject stupidity.
Oh well, so long as it is properly labelled, I am actually fine with them having their “freedumbs” - it is rather when they extend out of that zone and try to tell OTHERS what to do with THEIR bodies that they need to be reigned in.
The problem is that in this case, their freedumbs are infectious. Some conservative raw milk-drinking nut catches H5N1, he might be the “lucky” guy who it mutates in enough to spread from human to human, and then we’ve got a brand new pandemic on our hands.
To conservatives who pushed to get rid of laws requiring pasteurization? No.
To literally everyone else: yes.
Unless you drink milk handed to you by a conservative, who swears that “it’s totally safe”, then maybe.
“Removing safety measures was supposed to only hurt other people, not me!”
We don’t need to attribute to malice what can be explained by sheer, unadulterated, absolute, abject stupidity.
Oh well, so long as it is properly labelled, I am actually fine with them having their “freedumbs” - it is rather when they extend out of that zone and try to tell OTHERS what to do with THEIR bodies that they need to be reigned in.
The problem is that in this case, their freedumbs are infectious. Some conservative raw milk-drinking nut catches H5N1, he might be the “lucky” guy who it mutates in enough to spread from human to human, and then we’ve got a brand new pandemic on our hands.
Exactly. (And I swear I could hear that gif.)