I didn’t even have to look at the username to know who posted this.
It wasn’t good enough to get downvoted for posting this on !politics@lemmy.world a few days back, it had to be done again!
Good. Maybe all these posts of me ringing the alarm should wake you up to do something about it. It’s Gallup.
Exactly what are we supposed to do about it?
Get really stressed out until you can vote in November, duh!
I forgot about Jimmy Carter!
So that’s three presidents who were more popular but only had one term since Dwight.
Concerning. But also Obama was less popular than Trump at this point and we know how those both turned out, so hopefully Biden can change it around. Maybe don’t send a genocidal government bombs that will be dropped on children? Idk I’m not a political scientist
@return2ozma well, when you place your administration as a patron of despicable foreign policy, and the young people who voted for you (or would vote for you) are protesting that foreign policy, how is this a surprise?
It’s not looking good for Biden. I don’t know how he can even recover from the Israel-Palestine war.
Luckily he’s facing Trump who was worse for the country in every way and wants to ramp up the genocide if he’s elected.
historically “vote for us because we’re not them” is a very ineffective way of winning elections
Trump lost the popular vote twice already while the Dems ran on “we’re not them”.
and one of those elections he won?
also, during the 2020 campaign, trump’s base’s biggest complaint was generally that he was running on a platform of “i’m not biden”, so i guess both cancelled out
Seems like the main platform for both parties this time is the same “I’m not them”. I guess we’ll see.
trump’s platform seems more to be “the election was stolen”, which his base believes
biden’s base on the other hand is horrifically split over his mishandling of israel, and arguably the demographics that are credited with democratic wins in 2022 are most effected
his poll numbers are in the shitter, and over the last two presidential elections polls have been incorrectly biased towards the democratic candidate
Trump repealed 111 climate change regulations. Biden is enacting new ones.
Trump repealed civil and trans rights. Biden replaced them.
Trump repealed net neutrality. Biden replaced it.
Trump gave corporations and the wealthy larger tax cuts than the working class. Biden is replenishing the deficit off of corporations and the wealthy while cutting taxes for middle and low income workers.
I could go all day, but I think you get the point.
@slurpyslop @return2ozma @Omegamanthethird it’s a cheap narrative for an election, but it can work. Trouble this time is that voters’ memories are too short to remember just how effed up Cult 45/TFG was.
As a population, we all have the memory of goldfish anymore. People have said that recently about many things, especially around Trump as well.
The variety of actual polls on each President is very odd. Apples, oranges, and fish?