So idk if any of you know of the Minecraft program’s, amidsts or MCA Selector. Two programs I absolutely enjoy using for my worlds, plus, their Free Open Source Software.

Anyways, there my story…

So I’ve been a Minecrafter since 2014, since the Xbox 360 days. I then switched to the Java edition of Minecraft in 2019 when I obtained my first pc on my 11th birthday. I made a server that I made for me and my friends / sister when they occasionally jump on and wanna play. In that server, we had an amazing time, building and creating memories. The seed is what’s most important here.

> Main Point

Is it possible for me to create program, preferably a GUI, that lets the user draw out the seed of what they remember. So similar to how you would draw things in krita, but more for a Minecraft top down world view. Amidst or MCA Selector POV. I’m not sure if it’s possible or if Minecraft will even allow such activity. Which I’m not sure why it wouldn’t.

Using the MC Seed API if they have such thing??

It’s just when your in a seed for more then 2 years, you get attached and just love the terrain it has.

Idk man, I just spent forever in that world seed, built amazing stuff. Regardless if I used commands, cheats etc, I just wanna find the seed again using this technique that I hope it’s possible.

    9 months ago

    Most seed finding is done by the Minecraft@Home community by very technical people using very specific parts of what they can tell about a world, such as the exact position and type of certain trees. I dont think its possible to do that from what someone remembers, as there would be billions of seeds matching that even if it were computationally doable.