(Anyone else watching?)

ROH World Title:

Claudio Castagnoli © vs. PAC

ROH Women’s World TItle:

Athena © vs. Willow Nightingale

ROH World Tag Team Title:

The Lucha Brothers © vs. The Kingdom vs. Aussie Open vs. Best Friends


Samoa Joe © vs. Dalton Castle

ROH Pure:

Shibata © vs. Daniel Garcia

ROH Six Person Title:

The Mogul Embassy © vs. Leon Ruffin and Six or Nine

The Righteous and Stu Grayson vs. The Dark Order

Gravity vs. Komander (vs. Issac Newton, probably)


US: Bleacher Report/PPV

International: Fite/Youtube/PPV.com

Everywhere: Honor Club

Zero Hour: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLdbOZ2YN9k

  • TellumSiege
    31 year ago

    I totally forgot! I might tune in around 9ish or so aka as soon as I can.

    Looks like it’ll bleed into Rampage. It’s days like these I wish I had neighbouring TV’s lol

    • katy ✨OP
      31 year ago

      Same! I kinda wish they would combine Rampage and ROH on these days in a Clash type of supercard but I understand!

      • TellumSiege
        31 year ago

        That’d be great! I guess it all has to do with TV deals and whatnot, but I’m sure they could find a way to make that work.

  • katy ✨OP
    31 year ago

    Please let Shibata and Daniel Garcia fight forever that was so good! <3

  • Neon_Carnivore
    31 year ago

    Athena really makes ROH must see tv. She’s been a perfect foil for Willow, as well. I hope this rivalry gets revisited in the future.

  • katy ✨OP
    31 year ago

    Also words cannot express how much I missed Leyla Hirsch!

  • katy ✨OP
    31 year ago

    Issac Newton weeping during this match. I do believe the floor is lava.

  • Groovy
    31 year ago

    I missed the beginning of the match but that ending did not disappoint.
    Also has ROH been using those guardrails that are semitransparent though I do miss those metal ones that people would slap.

    • katy ✨OP
      21 year ago

      I do like the older ones but I don’t mind the fact that they’re using more padded ones.

  • katy ✨OP
    21 year ago

    I love you Joe but let Dalton have the title, cowards. <3

  • katy ✨OP
    21 year ago

    Athena and Willow main eventing. You love to see it.

    • TellumSiege
      11 year ago

      That’s great. How did the tag match go? Did the Lucha Bros. retain?

      And if it’s already the main, then maybe this won’t bleed into Rampage…

      • katy ✨OP
        21 year ago

        It’s Dark Order vs Righteous now, then Claudio and Pac, then Willow and Athena so I think it will bleed over :(

        The tag match was great; Trent? and Chuck were always awesome. Aussie Open is great. And I’m a sucker for The Kingdom!

        to answer your question

        The Lucha Bros didn’t retain

        • TellumSiege
          21 year ago

          Okay, that makes sense lol. I’ve been a bit distracted and thought it was coming up next.

          And too bad for the Lucha Bros., but hopefully this means they’ll be back in AEW.

  • katy ✨OP
    21 year ago

    Shibata’s theme is so amazing <3

  • katy ✨OP
    21 year ago

    God The Righteous/Dark Order match is bananas in the best way

    • Neon_Carnivore
      21 year ago

      The “you sick fuck!” chants from the crowd once the Legos were dumped into the ring were absolutely perfect. That close up shot of the thumbtacks and Legos will stay burned into my memory for a while.

      • katy ✨OP
        11 year ago
        spoilers, sweetie

        vincent begging johnny to kick him and uno being uno were the best parts about it but honestly the entire match was just incredible. <3

  • TellumSiege
    21 year ago

    Ruffin is so much fun to watch. I’d love to see him on TV more, even if its just as a jobber.

    • katy ✨OP
      21 year ago

      Absolutely; he’ll be a star someday!

  • TellumSiege
    11 year ago

    Shibata nearly lost his life from a horrible neck injury years ago. You know what’s even more impressive? That he didn’t corpse in the face of Daniel Garcia dancing like he’s got the turbo button held down.

    • katy ✨OP
      21 year ago

      Ikr he’s serious when he said he hates the dancing haha!