‘Black people can’t swim’ Because until very recent memory, the US was an explicitly white supremacist authoritarian state, And access to public pools specifically Was one of the crowning achievements of The evil at the heart of this country. They destroyed every public pool that they couldn’t privatize. To keep segregation in place. And that’s why the US is still fucking segregated. The federal government stepped in until it wasn’t politically advantageous anymore and then they gave up And nothing had changed. They just declared victory and called white supremacy something else. If you look at US history, this is this is what the country is. This is the central pattern of what this colonial settler state is, And anything outside of that is fundamentally aspirational, divorced from the actual reality of the situation.

It’s really incredibly easy to say oh well it’s flawed, but it’s the best in the world, when it’s only people that you are OK with hurting that are getting hurt in the meantime.

  • TheAristocrat@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    From a chemistry standpoint, it’s mostly symbolic. Unless the poor souls are very close to where he is pouring it in, they wouldn’t feel much if anything. It’s 2 gallons of at most 30% hydrochloric acid onto 10,000-15,000 gallons of water, the ph probably wouldnt measurably change. Still a total dick move.

    • CptEnder@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      Phew thanks chemist for soothing my leyman self that they may have been disfigured or wounded! Definitely still a dick move, a small-dick move.