I threw a tennis ball for the dog this morning, so I know what this guy feels like.
I lifted my beer glass 4 or 5 times tonight. Woooof. I feel his pain.
Hammer throw must wear out shoes in really strange ways.
Thrower spinning shoes are kinda slippery and have circular ‘traction’ lines. But yea they generally wear out pretty quick
Slow motion yeet is fun to watch!
The water definitely increased the coolness as well
Why it is called hammer throwing? It look more like cannonball
I guess the weight has changed shape throughout the years.
The traditional hammer throw is more similar to a hammer ahahSome more info on wikipedia
Thank you 👌
This is very much not what I envisioned a throwing hammer to look like. Did the definition of the word change over time, or the shape of the object change, or is this some kind of training ‘hammer’?
deleted by creator
I hadn’t considered that - thank you!
How do I stop videos from playing at full fucking volume when I get to their tab?
Pfft that wasn’t even a hammer he yeeted, it was just a ball, which was MADE for flying through the air. That’s not even that impressive.