I downloaded a certain epub from Anna’s archive but as i have never read it before and i don’t know if it is a bad/incomplete copy or the real thing . I don’t think I’m allowed to say which book it is but do feel free to correct me and i’ll edit it in . So how do you solve this issue ? Like if it was a movie or tv episode i can check the length and can tell if it was cut . Do i have to download multiple copies ? even then how would i compare ? Anna’s archive is showing me so many results on the same book . If anyone wanna help me out by sending me the links to a copy they are sure is full/real thing as they have read it before do feel free to dm or reach out on this thread if that’s not against the rule .
Just to let everyone know which book i’m talkin about i’ll drop a hint - It has a show in which a pretty beloved celebrity starred who is also a huge fan of the series and quit due to showrunners incompetence . It also has a pretty succesful game series and the book i’m trying to read is the first one of the series which consists of many shorts stories if i’m not mistaken . If this is also against the rules do let me know and i’ll remove it .
Edit : typos and maybe wrong sub or c or whatever and maybe might have broken a few rules even tho i have tried hard to not breake any .
Did i say its on YOU or something ? I was just asking for help like a normal person in a piracy sub and idk what your problem is