I downloaded a certain epub from Anna’s archive but as i have never read it before and i don’t know if it is a bad/incomplete copy or the real thing . I don’t think I’m allowed to say which book it is but do feel free to correct me and i’ll edit it in . So how do you solve this issue ? Like if it was a movie or tv episode i can check the length and can tell if it was cut . Do i have to download multiple copies ? even then how would i compare ? Anna’s archive is showing me so many results on the same book . If anyone wanna help me out by sending me the links to a copy they are sure is full/real thing as they have read it before do feel free to dm or reach out on this thread if that’s not against the rule .
Just to let everyone know which book i’m talkin about i’ll drop a hint - It has a show in which a pretty beloved celebrity starred who is also a huge fan of the series and quit due to showrunners incompetence . It also has a pretty succesful game series and the book i’m trying to read is the first one of the series which consists of many shorts stories if i’m not mistaken . If this is also against the rules do let me know and i’ll remove it .
Edit : typos and maybe wrong sub or c or whatever and maybe might have broken a few rules even tho i have tried hard to not breake any .
Yes but page number comparison doesn’t work well with epub’s does it ? Is there any other way to compare ?
I haven’t tested this but Calibre has a plugin that will give you the word count of an epub, so I’d assume if you got a few copies and the word counts were pretty much the same it should be a fairly safe bet. There might be some variation for dedications, forewords etc. though depending on the version.
If the book have volumes and chapters you can compare that if not take a peak at the very end of the book and see if it end with the same word (less accurate and might accidentally spoil yourself)