• MrVilliam@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    No, she’s from the generation that did buy diamonds, and this is how they treated her. She could’ve afforded rent if she hadn’t wasted all her money on stupid shiny rocks. This is why we’re smart for not doing that. /s

    This is just how dismissive and callous it is when similar things are said about millennials and zoomers. I feel bad for her. I’d rather be dead than homeless after like 60 years old. At 93, she literally couldn’t survive a week on the streets, and that suits the capitalists just fine since she’s just a net negative number on their spreadsheet, and their entire goal is to maximize that number.

    • CaptKoala@lemmy.ml
      11 months ago

      If I make it beyond 50 that’ll be it for me, I know I won’t retire, with society in its current state. I’ll happily drag that spreadsheet down a bit in return.

      I think as a species with all the medical advancements in the last hundred years or so, we already live too long as is. Now I’m seeing articles proposing we may live to 120+ with incoming advancements in medicine? Nah, fuck that, I’ll pass.