Ironically my argument for both housing and healthcare is 'why spend more of my taxes denying (healthcare or homes) when they could more cheaply provide"
Policing the homeless is expensive. Government protections required for American health cartels cost a fortune. It’s amazing that the less human option is also the less economically sensible. What an amazing scam.
National Conservatives: Ok I concede that housing is not a right. Next question?
WhY sHoUlD I use MY TaX DoLlArS tO pAy FoR pEoPlE wHo ArE TOO LAZY tO wOrK
This is also their argument against universal healthcare which I find astonishing.
Ironically my argument for both housing and healthcare is 'why spend more of my taxes denying (healthcare or homes) when they could more cheaply provide"
Policing the homeless is expensive. Government protections required for American health cartels cost a fortune. It’s amazing that the less human option is also the less economically sensible. What an amazing scam.