There seems to be a sub-group of salty dogs that sail without protection. They are often US saying they get lots of letters from ISP but nothing comes of it, lately. I’m one to hedge on the side of caution and will be continuing to use VPN but just wondering how much this is just a loud minority and how much truth is to it?

    1 year ago

    It depends how paranoid you are. If it comes to piracy I say use VPN all the time. They less someone knows about you the better in the long run. VPN helps to encrypt your traffic so even ISP can’t see what you are doing. So I highly recommend using VPN to everyone. But the way you use it also very important. If you going to use a VPN don’t ever use your real info over VPN or use email that you use for your job/resume for example. Third-party VPN should only be used for piracy nothing else. And if you want to encrypt all your traffic for real info like shopping, I highly recommend bying a small server and hosting your own VPN for that. I’ve seen countless of times when people use VPN they still continue to use there real name/email/address and do shopping/banking while at same time doing piracy. So even if you use VPN be smart.