For example, I’m using Debian, and I think we could learn a thing or two from Mint about how to make it “friendlier” for new users. I often see Mint recommended to new users, but rarely Debian, which has a goal to be “the universal operating system”.
I also think we could learn website design from… looks at notes …everyone else.

  • Dawn
    11 months ago

    Most distros could also learn from Arch and create something similar to the AUR.

    i’ve seen Void’s xbps-src tool compared to the AUR multiple times in /r/voidlinux (and i guess it’s like a decentralized AUR?? you can build+install pkgs from source using the package manager, sure, but there’s no one big diy xbps packages registry like for Void) and while i don’t really see it, if you follow that train of thought, void’s pretty set in the “right direction” :D