My feed is filled with dumb “advices”, so called “professionals” that post the most entry level stuff and all sorts of shit that if I were a recruiter I would stay away from these people

    2 years ago


    That’s how I know someone’s not a professional. I blame phishing training.

    LinkedIn is barely keeping my viewership, what little that’s worth. It’s a lot of non-work shit, and I joined when LinkedIn was specifically and decidedly not facebook. I don’t want to know about your new baby, or how you did in the 10k because we’re not that kind of friends or I’d already have heard about it from Facebook. I want to hear about you joining that company or getting the training you we seeking (grats!). I want to use it to schlepp my resume to the vast minority who may want to throw money at me. You know, WORK and personal development shit.

    Learning about your cancer journey is sad, it’s potentially enlightening to those around you (so brave), but IT’S NOT ABOUT WORK. Get thee to Facebook with that .