Really getting tired of seeing references to everything here being a repost from Reddit. We get it, this place needs content and posting old stuff is a quick and easy way to do that. Maybe you don’t need to point that out in the title of every single post you make?
I agree. It’s silly to think that a website where most communities frowns upon reposts, yet said members are very eager and proud to announce they’re reposting.
We get it, you’re doubling down on your lack of creativity. Wouldn’t hurt to at least try to give your meme a header that’s actually related to the meme itself. Otherwise it’s no better than a bot if all your titles are following a “Saved meme #19” naming convention.
To clarify, the reposting doesn’t bother me at all. I have the memory of a goldfish when it comes to things like this and even when It’s something I know I’ve seen before, I still don’t mind unless it’s literally something I’ve seen dozens of times before and it’s been reposted within the last day or so. Reposting isn’t the problem here, and I disagree with your assessment that most communities frown upon them. Sure, you usually get 1-2 people whining about how they’ve seen this content before, but I have to think those people are in the slim minority. If this was a place for all new, never before seen, original content, that would be in the rules. It isn’t.
I also disagree when you say reposts aren’t creative, or I guess I disagree that all content posted here needs to be super creative. This site and Reddit are aggregators and exist solely for people to post things they found amusing or funny. There’s no reason to slam someone’s creativity just because they saw something they were amused by and wanted to share it with people who would likely be amused by it too. It doesn’t have to be any more complicated than that.
I just wanted some descriptive thread titles so I have an idea what I’ll be seeing when I click on something. I wasn’t trying to insult anyone’s effort by making that request and I apologize to any posters who thought that’s what I was doing.
Agreed! A good meme will make me laugh even if I’ve seen it before, unless it was three times yesterday.
Ok I know I’m guilty of this and it wasn’t (for me) about not being creative as much as me not wanting to take credit for something I didn’t create. Better titles will follow
This site needs content, but not _that _ desperately. I left that shit site to get away from reposters!