• Binthinkin
    1143 months ago

    She’s so terrible. Like why does she even speak to the media? Lady shut the fuck up. You literally ruined the country with your hegemonic wet dream.

    Fucking loser.

  • @anticolonialist@lemmy.world
    1073 months ago

    What I read here is ‘go fuck yourself, this is our government and we will appoint whoever we want and you will like it.’

    She just needs to STFU

  • @Suavevillain@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    The lady’s strategy was to prop up Trump and lost to him. I don’t care about her opinions at all. I didn’t forget she went around calling Black People Super Predators.

  • @orclev@lemmy.world
    783 months ago

    Hillary says something stupid, everyone continues to not care what the fuck Hillary thinks about anything.

    • BraveSirZaphod
      203 months ago

      The amount of visceral anger in this thread seems to indicate that people seem to actually care quite a lot about what she says.

      If people actually didn’t care, they wouldn’t have clicked on this.

      • Semi-Hemi-Demigod
        43 months ago

        I clicked because I knew there would be people complaining about it, and those people need to stop being so goddamn idealistic.

        These are the choices. They’re shitty. They’re always shitty. It’s a shitty system of government, stop expecting it not to be.

      • @hark@lemmy.world
        23 months ago

        We cared enough to tell this stupid loser to shut the fuck up and go away forever, but that’s about it.

  • @dhork@lemmy.world
    773 months ago

    Voters to Clinton: “Go Away! It’s your fault we’re in this mess to begin with.”

    • @Pyr_Pressure@lemmy.ca
      163 months ago

      I mean, she’s right and wrong at the same time.

      People shouldn’t have to get over it, but Democrats don’t give a shit what voters want. They are using Trump as the big bad monster to force the candidates that they want, not the ones that the people want or deserve.

      Biden would likely lose against any other candidate, the only reason he might win is because Trump is so terrible. They’re exploiting their voters to get what they want.

  • @mlg@lemmy.world
    483 months ago

    Should have gotten over Bernie being more popular instead of having to collude with the DNC to win a fake primary

    • Bipta
      123 months ago

      She’s practically the most destructive person in American history with few exceptions.

      • ASeriesOfPoorChoices
        93 months ago

        more destructive than Trump? than Reagan? than GW Bush? Than James Buchanan? than Franklin Pierce? than Andrew Johnson?

        more destructive than Mitch McConnell? than Ted Cruz? than Ron Desantis?

        fuck me you people are detached.

        • @Krauerking@lemy.lol
          13 months ago

          I mean I do absolutely think there are more destructive people of course but like… There should be a special place in hell for people that start the countdown on a bomb because they think the panic will get them into power faster.

          She pushed a force of destruction and chaos because the idea of it made her think she would have control to disarm it and be the hero and get an easy win. Chicken or the egg, do you blame the bomb or the person who helped deliver and see it off. Granted Trump already wanted revenger for Obama existing and Reagan is a piece of shit so they are definitely both worse people overall but still Hillary doesn’t have clean hands in all this. Just a modern traitor.

    • @naun@lemmy.world
      13 months ago

      Canadian here, who is aware of a lot of US politics, but not all. I’m confused about how she propped up and funded Trump. I know they were friends in previous years. Was this in business?

  • @jordanlund@lemmy.worldM
    423 months ago

    You can’t expect a sitting President to not re-run for office. Of course Biden is going to run.

    In Trump’s mind, and in the minds of a lot of his supporters, he is the “rightful” sitting President, so of course he’s going to run too.

    Are they the BEST choices? Of course not. But they are THE choices.

      • @jordanlund@lemmy.worldM
        63 months ago

        Because nobody tells someone at that power level what to do.

        They can choose, on their own, not to run like Johnson did in 1968. But no outside influence can or should tell a President they can’t run.

        • @Minotaur@lemm.ee
          83 months ago

          If you think no one tells Joe Biden what he should be doing on the daily you might be more demented than he is.

            • @Minotaur@lemm.ee
              3 months ago

              Well… they also do that.

              Also, even taking that statement as literal - is that supposed to be a good thing? “Despite his staff and advisors urging him to not run again, in a bid for power he is again!”

              • @jordanlund@lemmy.worldM
                23 months ago

                It’s not “in a bid for power”, it’s to block Trump. If Trump weren’t running Biden would likely dust off his hands, go “My work here is done!” and quietly retire at the end of his term.


                If something happened to take Trump out of the race, especially between now and the conventions in July and August, I think Biden would bow out, but he won’t as long as Trump is around.

                • @Minotaur@lemm.ee
                  43 months ago

                  I simply don’t believe that Biden is the most electable person in the country against Trump lol

              • Monkey With A Shell
                13 months ago

                How is it that there are all these people who have nothing to do with political office in their daily lives who know all the personal conversations and thoughts of the inner circles of the presidency?

                • @Minotaur@lemm.ee
                  03 months ago

                  Are you unaware of the extremely basic fact that essentially every president in US history has relied incredibly strongly on a wide team of advisors and cabinet members.

                  They teach you that in middle school civics. Did you think the presidency was like in a movie where it’s just one guy who decides to do everything he does? Do you think Biden sits there with a calculator running the numbers??

        • livus
          3 months ago

          I thought the whole point of having a democracy was people got to choose their leaders.

          If you’re saying leaders become too powerful to reject, that’s troubling.

          • @jordanlund@lemmy.worldM
            33 months ago

            You get to choose, between the Republican nominee and the Democratic nominee.

            If you vote Libertarian, you are helping Biden by taking away a Trump vote.

            If you vote Green, you are helping Trump by taking away a Biden vote.

            • livus
              43 months ago

              To clarify, the above wasn’t some kind of rhetorical question. I’m not American and am not asking for voting guidance.

              You seemed to be saying that once a politician gets to a position of power, voters are no longer allowed to try to influence their decisions around whether to run, be the nominee etc.

              That seems problematic to me, and against the basic principles of democracy, so I’m querying it.

              • @whoreticulture
                23 months ago

                I don’t think they were saying anything about what is allowed, but they were saying what is likely and realistic to expect.

              • @jordanlund@lemmy.worldM
                23 months ago

                Incumbent politicians have multiple advantages, but if you don’t want them then the choice is to vote for their opponent or not vote, which really is the same thing.

                • livus
                  33 months ago

                  That seems really anti-democracy. If an incumbent performs poorly or breaks promises there should be mechanisms for people to ask to select another candidate to represent them.

          • @FanciestPants@lemmy.world
            3 months ago

            The people had the opportunity to choose during the primary whether they wanted to vote for someone else who holds mostly similar views (e.g. the same political party) to their own, or the person currently doing the job. There weren’t a lot of people from the same political party that offered themselves up as challengers to the person currently doing the job, for a variety of reasons. Our system heavily favors the person currently doing the job in our primary elections, but challenges have been made before, just not this time.

        • @Minotaur@lemm.ee
          33 months ago

          I guess so. I just hope the Democratic Party know that their expectations for me to vote for Joe Biden again won’t mirror reality

      • ASeriesOfPoorChoices
        13 months ago

        you can’t expect him to, no.

        you can WANT him to. you can be pleasantly surprised if he does.

        but expect him to? come on.

      • @jordanlund@lemmy.worldM
        23 months ago

        You don’t have real primaries for a sitting President. You just don’t. See any previous election ever. Trump 2020, Obama 2012, Bush 2004, etc. etc. etc.

        They lead the party for a reason.

        On the Republican side this year, they TRIED to primary Trump and, well, you see how well that worked out.

  • @itsonlygeorge@reddthat.com
    353 months ago

    Shut up and do what we tell you! This is what’s good for the corporate ruling class! You have the illusion of choice we give you, so go and vote for the two terrible choices we have given you and be happy.

      • @itsonlygeorge@reddthat.com
        13 months ago

        This isn’t about the value of your vote or whether to vote. It is about the continued poor quality of choices and the people who decide the candidates that run and are eventually voted on in the elections.

        Party leadership and manipulation of candidates have led us to where we are now along with a disfunctional congress that pushes regressive policies.

        Politicians understand and manipulate the votes in every way possible. Gerrymandering is a great example of this, no opponents can win those districts as its a mathematical impossibility.

        They have figured out they need to oen the courts and local governments that pass voting laws and control the election process.

        Those are the real issues that need to be addressed.

  • Bipta
    303 months ago

    She really only ever makes things worse.