• @blinkinator@lemm.ee
    43 months ago

    Violin - something about the sound is so deeply beautiful. Not many things can get me to cry nowadays, but violin def can.

  • toomanypancakes
    43 months ago

    Drums, but I’m biased because I’ve been playing them since I was 15. I just can’t get into a song if the percussion isn’t right, they’re so good.

  • @Flamangoman@leminal.space
    23 months ago

    I like the open string ones like pedal steel, and harp, and I guess piano is in that category too, they just have such a beautiful resonance. But it’s like picking a favourite color, life is wonderful with all of them available in different arrangements.

    • cowboycrustation [he/him]OPM
      23 months ago

      So true. I love lap steel and harp too. Piano doesn’t hit as much because I hear it almost every week, so it’s almost become mundane for me. But occasionally I hear the most beautiful piece on piano and it’ll put shivers down my spine.

  • cowboycrustation [he/him]OPM
    3 months ago

    I have no favorite instrument.

    Some favorites (because I can’t choose)

    -Cello. I love the deep, rich tone. Also anyone who plays a fretless instrument looks cool.

    -Organ. Love the sound. Especially those fancy church pipe organs. They’re majestic and awe inspiring.

    -Banjo. Has a unique sound and is culturally meaningful to me.

    -Lyre. Just beautiful.

    -Oud. A classic.

    -That one instrument invented in the 1920’s where there’s two bars and you move your hand between them to get a pitch.

    -Synths. Just synths.

  • LinkOpensChest.wav
    23 months ago

    For playing, I love a solid body electric guitar with P-90 pickups. I like the crunchy sound, and there’s something about it that’s so great to let off stress (assuming you’re not on the listening end since I’m not that good)

    For listening, I like the tenor sax. Its sound is almost tangible.

  • @bready2die
    23 months ago

    hehe drum go bang bang

    rhythm is the element of music I find myself drawn to the most, I listen to a lot of prog metal and I’m absolutely fascinated by the drumming :D

  • HonkyTonkWoman
    23 months ago

    WARR Guitar - It’s a 12 string, multi-tone guitar. Typically they’re strung with 6 bass strings & 6 guitar strings, & usually played by tapping or slapping.

    Why? Just incredible, haunting melodies & rhythms that I really wish I had a recording of. It was a counterintuitive playing style for me watching it live, but the performer was smooth & fluid; mesmerizing.

    Also Why… I went to a private music festival on a farm in rural NC & traded some moonshine for some shrooms. I’d never done shrooms, oops…

    Apparently I disappeared with a friend into the woods behind the stage for more than an hour. Problem was, my friend returned after 20 minutes.

    Around the time someone considered calling an adult, I returned and promptly managed to get up on the stage, walked out & sat down cross legged.

    I don’t remember any of that, but I do remember the performer on stage was playing a WARR Guitar & I was beyond fascinated.

    I’m not going to tell you that performance sobered me up, it definitely did not, but I remember it amongst the fog.

    He actually came back up later in the night & jammed with a bluegrass band, laying down a fair bit of improvisation. It was all really impressive.

    It was a small festival, like real small, maybe 25 tents? For the most part, we were all friends of a performing band local to home, & the bands were all friends & family.

    Don’t want to give off the impression that I got high & ruined someone’s performance or evening. I was definitely disrespectful getting up on stage, but I kept my top on & didn’t touch anything.

    I’ve been told I kept it between the ditches that night; just kinda peacefully plopped my butt down next to the music man after toddler’n off for a few hours.

    Anywho… here’s an ad for pedals, that showcases the guitar, & is akin to what I heard that evening.

    • cowboycrustation [he/him]OPM
      13 months ago

      Fun fact: the Beatles song polythene Pam and a couple others use a twelve string guitar!

  • @Sop
    13 months ago

    Violin but not because of the sound. I’m always drawn to violin players in an orchestra because they look so cool