The sidebar is already long so I don’t want to add this, but I feel like I need a rules breakdown:

  1. No oppressing other users (bigotry is oppression).

This includes any form of oppression, including disseminating fascist ideas like a “border crisis” or defending capitalism, but also any form of bigotry or hate against marginalized groups.

  1. No defending oppressive systems such as capitalism or the US “democracy.”

This is pretty much an extension of rule 1, but specifically includes defending the systems of genocidal/racist/colonial/imperialist nations such as the United States or Canada. It’s okay to point out good and equitable movements within or aspects of such states, but spreading misinformation like “the US is not a racist nation” is prohibited.

  1. No uncivil or rude comments to other users (politicians and capitalists are fair game).

If you think something is inappropriately posted, you can report it and I’ll have a look at it. Don’t gaslight other users or put words into their mouth. If you’re confused by their post, don’t fabricate your own interpretation of it in your mind. Ask.

  1. No ax murderers, serial killers, neoliberals, torturers, cops, cryptobros, debatebros, or similar.

I think this speaks for itself. There are users in the fediverse who’ve made it their mission to cloud the waters about what constitutes neoliberalism, whitewashing it to make it sound appealing. This can be cleared up and debunked easily by merely visiting Wikipedia.

Here’s an even better source. If you have time and the ability/mental bandwidth, I’d recommend it.

  1. Discussion, not debate. It’s okay to ask someone to elaborate on an idea, but most communities shout down leftists and post-leftists, and that’s not supposed to happen here.

One of the reasons I created this community is because I noticed that communities that try to welcome right-wingers and centrists tend to shout down leftists, attack strawpeople, and constantly “whatabout.” Specifically, I’ve noticed a tendency to go “whatabout Trump” every time Biden is mentioned. This is not okay and will be removed on sight. This stifles discussion.

If you see a post you disagree with, or you want to make clear a certain position (e.g., you think we should vote Biden), then go ahead and make a post about it. And conversely, in such a scenario we should also stay on topic there and not put words in your mouth.

Keep in mind that many people are harmed firsthand by Biden’s policies. I myself have seen family and loved ones imprisoned and deported under him. I can only imagine how a Palestinian must feel when people downplay the fact that he’s committing genocide. Be respectful of this. If you are frustrated that there are people who plan to not vote/intend to vote third party, understand there is context behind this. It does NOT mean they’re “privileged” – in fact, it often means the opposite. Again, want to change their mind? Create a post.

Likewise, it’s not okay to accuse someone for supporting Trump unless there is actual evidence they support Trump. If you see a Trump supporter here, please report them. They aren’t welcome and will be permanently banned.

  1. No genocide denial or support for genocidal entities such as IDF, ICE, the US prison system, or likewise.

I don’t know what more to say about this. Don’t remotely defend the existence of any of these things.

  1. Transphobes eat my ass.

This pretty much follows #1, but I can’t say it enough. This includes any kind of queerphobia, including that which has been expressed by certain moderators of some of the most popular communities in the fediverse, unfortunately.

  1. These guidelines are meant to allow open discussion and prevent the constant trolling of leftists and post-leftists that happens in places like reddit and Facebook. Follow the spirit of these guidelines.

This pretty much describes the entire reason I made this. Other spaces are exhausting places to try to have a discussion because of the constant onslaught of pro-state/pro-capitalist nonsense that plagues most online communities. That’s why this is expressly NOT a debate community.

I’m going to lock this post, but if you have questions about any of these rules, my DMs are open so I can help clear things up.