A painting of my 'sona, Wanderer, and a tribute to No Man’s Sky. I tried using a much brighter and happier palette for the piece instead of my usual moody style, and I think it turned out super well. I’m pretty stoked about this painting. Definitely gonna be using it to show my online identity from now on.
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    • Whey IsolateOP
      31 year ago

      Thank you! I was definitely going for a vintage vibe while making this, I’m glad it worked out

    • Whey IsolateOP
      21 year ago

      They’re holding an alien artifact which guides them through an ancient portal network made by the same alien civilization (the structure in the back is one of the portals)

  • Nunchuk
    21 year ago

    Any inspiration from another game on alien planets Risk of Rain or is the teleporter a coincidence?

    • Whey IsolateOP
      11 year ago

      I play Risk of Rain, but I actually came up with the design in another artwork several years ago before I ever heard of the game. Funnily enough I got into RoR after posting that artwork and getting a lot of comments pointing out the resemblance between my design and the game