I’m not asking the most powerful, but your personal favorite. Mine is Bigby’s Hand; it’s hilarious and I love it. (And since Mage Hand isn’t concentration, you can have them both active at the same time and make them high-five!)

  • @sodiumbromley
    41 year ago

    I recently started playing a cleric of knowledge and Suggestion has become their “signature spell.” It helps that Knowledge Clerics kind of get it as a Channel Divinity at level 6. Fail a wisdom save? You’ve been Inceptioned.

    I love the idea of each character having their own Signature Spell that they cast at every problem. For many wizards, this spell is Fireball, but even then, having a Fireball Guy in a party is its own fun.

    I know Wizards get a feature called Signature Spell but no level 20 wizard has ever wanted just one more third level spell slot. I’ll make a second post about this probably.

  • @SilverRetriever
    31 year ago

    Gust of Wind let’s you get up to all sorts of shenanigans.

    • @Kaladin_StormblessedOPM
      21 year ago

      I think I’ve been overlooking this spell; what kinds of shenanigans are we talking here?

      • @SilverRetriever
        21 year ago

        The most recent one was in a game I was DM’ing and I couldn’t even be mad about it. The wizard used gust of wind on a gelatinous cube to force it back down a hallway and into a group of goblins waiting to ambush them. The goblins kept trying to climb out of the cube but the wind kept pushing them right back in ;_;

  • @smoldragon
    31 year ago

    Easily Vicious Mockery. I have so much fun coming up with quips and it adds so much to the roleplay. Plus I love cracking up everyone else at my table.

    • @Kaladin_StormblessedOPM
      31 year ago

      One of my best friends once played a bard, and she wrote her own raps specifically for this spell.

  • UxorialCow
    31 year ago

    I love mirror image! You can grab it pretty early on, so it gives my low level mages something thats visually super cool they can do to set themselves apart a bit

  • @hodgepodgehomonculus
    21 year ago

    Grease has always been a favorite of mine. All the DMs I have played with have taken the components to mean that it is a flammable oil, and I like to use it to create fire traps everywhere to maneuver enemies into.

  • @ClosetsAreClaustrophobic
    1 year ago

    I also love Bigby’s hand. Interposing Hand in particular has got me out of a few sticky situations. There are quite a few strong contenders for my favorite spell, but I’ll have to go with Wall of Force. This one spell has saved my entire party from multiple TPKs, and I consider it the Holy Grail of defensive spells. But while I’m here, I’d like to shout out a few underrated runner-ups. Vortex Warp is a relatively unknown spell, but I’ve gotten a surprising amount of mileage out of it. Another spell I never see get talked about is an upcasted Bestow Curse. Its selling point is the chance to completely shut down a single opponent, and when it is upcasted, you don’t even to use your concentration for it. It’s one of the spells that I love having in my back pocket as an emergency.