Like in the title I’m a new player and just looking for some advice. Back in 2018 when discord offered game I played then but really on started the fortuna quest and ofc the earth dungeons to get there. I just did the fortuna quest where thursby becomes legs and then a few dungeon quests. I also let the impulsive thoughts win and bought the gauss warframe and have been having fun with it :). I also got 3 relics from defending a cryopod, look like mossy orbs but I opened them when a mission had this swooshy icon over it (idk how to describe it) and I collected 10 rift thingys each to open them. I have no idea what I did but I got blueprints so I’m assuming I did something right

But any friendly tips? Is there any particular area (like free roam vs dungeons) I should be focusing on. Is there more than one story quest line per planet In free roam like the one with the iron rose in the box on earth or the aforementioned fortuna quest

I’m just kinda going from place to place progressing though dungeons but I lost and just feel like I’m kinda stumbling forward in the dark with no goal other than just go here and give em the ol swish swish stab stab bow l chicka bow wow

Edit: forgot to mention back when I briefly played in 2018 through discord I played Sayrin to Sayron, the disease or fungus idk one simply because poison damage seemed nice among other obvious reasons, but is she any good to play compared to gauss prime

    • FlihpFlorp@lemm.eeOP
      6 months ago

      Ok glad to know there is an over arching story.

      As for clans, coming from planetside, do they lean more towards a glorified friends list or actually useful. In planetside you could do things like call in orbital strikes or vehicles discount, basically is there a bonus for being in a clan?

        • FlihpFlorp@lemm.eeOP
          6 months ago

          Yeah I just started the archwing quest so I’ll take you up on that offer soon (couple days knowing my level of focus lmao)

            • FlihpFlorp@lemm.eeOP
              6 months ago

              Yeah I fought the phantom of Loki and gauss prime just shredded it in over drive like I didn’t even see the health bar deplete looooool

              But yeah the bio weapon is where I am at and the infested was introduced where I defended a bomb so this story starting to get some juice!

                • FlihpFlorp@lemm.eeOP
                  6 months ago


                  Also when doing the archwing quest I went to a void portal, some void bomb during the infested bomb part (lotus said stripping all organic life) and the O-something kin and I’m so confused

                  Is there a part I missed or is this stuff just dropped out of nowhere