• Black616Angel@feddit.de
    2 years ago

    Actually not it’s complicated.
    Fascinating as it may sound, transvestites were mostly allowed in the third reich, when they weren’t homosexual.

    The even got their own pass:

    After reading the German and English version I am a little puzzled, since the German version says, that they were kept and transvestites stayed unharmed when not homosexual while the English version says:

    After the Nazis came to power, most passes were revoked or German police refused to recognize them.

    The German original source says the following:

    Sofern Trans*personen den „gegen sie erhobenen Homosexualitätsverdacht entkräften konnten, lässt sich in keinem Fall eine Strafverfolgung nachweisen. "

    Which translates to:

    If trans*persons “could invalidate the suspicion of homosexuality, there is no evidence of criminal prosecution.”