Have you seen her polling? I’m going to be voting for whoever wears the D on the ballot but I am extremely concerned about her ability to get a good voter turn out.
And, while I do also think Biden isn’t able to win he has been a solid president.
So, you’re okay with it taking 2.5 years to get a special prosecutor going for an insurrectionist and a guy who very clearly took nuclear secrets and blatantly violated the national espionage act?
2.5 years to force the matter if getting nuclear secrets and other extremely sensitive materials back- and they still are missing documents?!
It is unbelievable to me how people just hand wave away the fact that Biden inherited the Covid economy.
We have no problem acknowledging that Obama did not create the economy he was handed, i.e. the one the Republicans handed to him in the form of the great recession. But a worldwide pandemic? No, that can’t possibly be the issue. It’s the president’s fault!
Shit I didn’t even do that to Trump and I looked for literally anything I could throw at him.
“Not a total disaster” is better than the alternative. Welcome to voting as an adult. There’s no such thing as a perfect candidate. There’s not even really such thing as a great candidate. The absolute best you’ll ever find is “good.” We don’t have that option this year, so you vote for “least bad. ESPECIALLY when the alternative is a narcissist con-man who’s only in it to enrich himself.
Don’t bother trying to reason with people who don’t lift a finger for anything socially or politically important for 3.5 years then just show up in the final inning for the general election to complain about how they aren’t represented at all and don’t like any candidates. They’re children going “it’s my money and I want it NOW!” with whatever nebulous political outcomes they want.
… I’m trying to figure out if you threw out a positive “just to be fair”. HOA’s universally suck.
joking aside…yup.
I’m waiting for people to chime in that “he doesn’t have that power! the DOJ is independent!”
Then he didn’t solve the economyrich people’s yacht money problems. because the treasury is also indepenent, and so is the Fed. Reserve. Regardless… he does have influence with the DOJ, at the very least, including on dictating what sorts of crime get priority. and firing Garland for not doing his fucking job.
Biden is not a fascist piece of shit like Trump. Drop your luxury bullshit and vote for the people not running on the platform of murder of American citizens and stealing the entirety of wealth from the middle class.
Biden is running on the platform of stopping fascism.
Name one thing Biden has actually done to actually stop the slide into fascism? To uphold the constitution?
I’ll notice your not actually answering my question: are you okay with an administration that allows that self same fascist piece of shit to run around free as a bird without so much as an indictment for nearly three years- after inciting a bonafide insurrection?
Are you okay with that self-same fascist piece of shit being allowed to hold- and probably sell- the most dangerous secrets this country has; to our enemies?
You’re the one not getting it.
If Biden were half the president he promised to be in 2020; and a quarter of the president he’s promising to be in 2024, we wouldn’t be having this conversation. Because Trump would be in jail.
The simple, blatant truth is that Biden is unwilling or incapable of stopping fascism. It doesn’t matter which. The longer it goes unchecked, the more likely Trump gains power.
The clock is running out, and seems Biden to think it’s okay to let it. It’s. Not.
AOC and the progressive wing hitched their cart to Biden and expressed zero interest in the presidency so that’s out. They were the single group keeping him in the race when it comes to party support.
Newsom has clearly tested the waters (both 2020 and 2024) and both times backed off for whatever reason, so he’s not interested in putting himself forward this time it seems.
All of this is to say this illustrates my larger point. We can’t say “they are keeping someone from running“ when no one is willing to come forward. Early in the primary sure that was a valid claim, but now? When the voice for him to step down is so loud? If somebody wants it, now is the time. So if they’re not stepping forward, that’s not the establishment. That’s their choice.
expressed zero interest in the presidency so that’s out.
I’m pretty sure they don’t want to divide the vote by getting leftist thinking about others than the DNC candidate. That formula changes when said candidate steps down.
when no one is willing to come forward.
You have a point here, it’s like the opposite of 2020, no one wants to step into this mess this late.
Sure I definitely think that is their strategy, plus there have been a lot of reputable reports saying that they likely extracted a lot of support/concessions from the party by sticking behind Biden over the last few months. My point isn’t what the reasoning is necessarily, but more that they are all electing not to run for various reasons.
Imo it’s not a “fair” shot for whoever takes the spot. You have less time and overall it won’t look good as compared to have been there from the get go.
That’s what’s so frustrating about this, Joe staying in the race might be the best way forward… because he has doubled down all this time.
I’m not American so all I can do is give moral support.
It started the first day a rumor came in that she was going to take over for Biden. Someone who had been posting "don’t vote for Biden: for months immediately posted a “don’t vote for Kamala” post.
The amount of people I know who basically won’t vote until Biden steps down and some magical perfect democratic candidate steps in is wild. And many of them are the type of people to constantly complain about whoever is in power, so when they don’t vote, and Trump is elected, they’ll complain the whole time even though their decisions helped ensure that outcome
It’s 100% a bad faith argument. We’re dealing with the mess that the party leadership created and these people are just posturing for why it’s our fault that party leaders continue to push such terrible candidates in the face of Trump. They did it in 2016, they did it again in 2020, and now once more in 2024. The blame lies squarely with them.
It is a bad faith argument when you’re only asking people to list potential candidates so you can nitpick them away and claim that “they could have run against Biden” when we all know that’s not how things work with an incumbent especially if that person needs party funding and support later down the road.
Edit: look at your comment here:
Don’t bother trying to reason with people who don’t lift a finger for anything socially or politically important for 3.5 years then just show up in the final inning for the general election to complain about how they aren’t represented at all and don’t like any candidates. They’re children going “it’s my money and I want it NOW!” with whatever nebulous political outcomes they want.
The people who’ve been sounding the alarm for 8 years after Clinton lost and Biden nearly lost are “children” to you. Meanwhile, you have complete faith in the party leadership who keeps fumbling the ball again and again by picking the absolute worst candidates to back. People can’t even win running against a guy like Trump.
This shows your true intentions and why your argument here is in bad faith. You have blind loyalty to whomever the party picks for you and are now throwing a tantrum because they decided your guy wasn’t going to cut it.
They thought up lots of ways to not vote for the last woman because she was a woman without saying “I can’t vote for her, she’s a woman.” Sure she “wasn’t likeable,” you don’t like women who you don’t wanna sleep with, or who don’t wanna sleep with you, and she’s both. Sure she was tarred with Bill’s shady stuff, but Trump had way worse. And what successful male politician has nothing to regret, even Bernie? What person has been in charge of any aspect of the Middle East without being tangentially involved in bloodshed and chaos? It’s their specialty. Nothing was uniquely disqualifying about her except her vagina. (Not sure if she still had a uterus, hysterectomy is pretty common)
So Kamala will have to make that “weakness” her strength, in a post-Roe world she can defend the right to female bodily autonomy, and also point out the threat to mixed marriage that’s right in there along with the threats to everything LGBTQ+.
Because you think these people want another bad candidate or are you already preparing your excuses for why the terrible party leadership isn’t to blame when they lose to a bloated orange turd again?
I’m looking forward to all the excuses people on lemmy make for not voting for Kamala Harris after saying they just simply didn’t want old man Biden
Have you seen her polling? I’m going to be voting for whoever wears the D on the ballot but I am extremely concerned about her ability to get a good voter turn out.
And, while I do also think Biden isn’t able to win he has been a solid president.
So, you’re okay with it taking 2.5 years to get a special prosecutor going for an insurrectionist and a guy who very clearly took nuclear secrets and blatantly violated the national espionage act?
2.5 years to force the matter if getting nuclear secrets and other extremely sensitive materials back- and they still are missing documents?!
Biden has been “not a total disaster” at best.
is the minimum wage still $7.25 and the rent and food more than even $20 an hour would cover?
has the police problem been solved?
what about the environment we got cop city being built on a national forest?
what about healthcare or bodily autonomy?
what about worker’s rights
what about anything else he ran on?
not all of live in a HOA bubble in the US
Trump left the office with the country in worse shape and so is Biden
It is unbelievable to me how people just hand wave away the fact that Biden inherited the Covid economy.
We have no problem acknowledging that Obama did not create the economy he was handed, i.e. the one the Republicans handed to him in the form of the great recession. But a worldwide pandemic? No, that can’t possibly be the issue. It’s the president’s fault!
Shit I didn’t even do that to Trump and I looked for literally anything I could throw at him.
“Not a total disaster” is better than the alternative. Welcome to voting as an adult. There’s no such thing as a perfect candidate. There’s not even really such thing as a great candidate. The absolute best you’ll ever find is “good.” We don’t have that option this year, so you vote for “least bad. ESPECIALLY when the alternative is a narcissist con-man who’s only in it to enrich himself.
Don’t bother trying to reason with people who don’t lift a finger for anything socially or politically important for 3.5 years then just show up in the final inning for the general election to complain about how they aren’t represented at all and don’t like any candidates. They’re children going “it’s my money and I want it NOW!” with whatever nebulous political outcomes they want.
… I’m trying to figure out if you threw out a positive “just to be fair”. HOA’s universally suck.
joking aside…yup.
I’m waiting for people to chime in that “he doesn’t have that power! the DOJ is independent!”
Then he didn’t solve
the economyrich people’s yacht money problems. because the treasury is also indepenent, and so is the Fed. Reserve. Regardless… he does have influence with the DOJ, at the very least, including on dictating what sorts of crime get priority. and firing Garland for not doing his fucking job.Biden is not a fascist piece of shit like Trump. Drop your luxury bullshit and vote for the people not running on the platform of murder of American citizens and stealing the entirety of wealth from the middle class.
Drop your luxury delusions, yourself.
Biden is running on the platform of stopping fascism.
Name one thing Biden has actually done to actually stop the slide into fascism? To uphold the constitution?
I’ll notice your not actually answering my question: are you okay with an administration that allows that self same fascist piece of shit to run around free as a bird without so much as an indictment for nearly three years- after inciting a bonafide insurrection?
Are you okay with that self-same fascist piece of shit being allowed to hold- and probably sell- the most dangerous secrets this country has; to our enemies?
You’re the one not getting it.
If Biden were half the president he promised to be in 2020; and a quarter of the president he’s promising to be in 2024, we wouldn’t be having this conversation. Because Trump would be in jail.
The simple, blatant truth is that Biden is unwilling or incapable of stopping fascism. It doesn’t matter which. The longer it goes unchecked, the more likely Trump gains power.
The clock is running out, and seems Biden to think it’s okay to let it. It’s. Not.
Au contraire, Joe Biden IS on track to win.
This is not a source.
Yeah, she is technically fine in the sense that she isn’t totally insane like the orange but she is not the “best foot forward”.
And it sends a very apathetic message from the rich politician “ruling class”.
So imo it’s detrimental to saving democracy.
Name an alternative
I don’t know too much about him and idk if he wants it, but I’ve heard people mention Gavin Newsom.
My personal pick would be AOC, I actually like her politics but I’m sure she would get loads of opposition.
Pritzker would also be a solid pick. He would use Trump as toilet paper in a debate and just flat out call him a lying bitch to his face.
Nobody knows who that is outside of Illinois.
AOC and the progressive wing hitched their cart to Biden and expressed zero interest in the presidency so that’s out. They were the single group keeping him in the race when it comes to party support.
Newsom has clearly tested the waters (both 2020 and 2024) and both times backed off for whatever reason, so he’s not interested in putting himself forward this time it seems.
All of this is to say this illustrates my larger point. We can’t say “they are keeping someone from running“ when no one is willing to come forward. Early in the primary sure that was a valid claim, but now? When the voice for him to step down is so loud? If somebody wants it, now is the time. So if they’re not stepping forward, that’s not the establishment. That’s their choice.
I’m pretty sure they don’t want to divide the vote by getting leftist thinking about others than the DNC candidate. That formula changes when said candidate steps down.
You have a point here, it’s like the opposite of 2020, no one wants to step into this mess this late.
Sure I definitely think that is their strategy, plus there have been a lot of reputable reports saying that they likely extracted a lot of support/concessions from the party by sticking behind Biden over the last few months. My point isn’t what the reasoning is necessarily, but more that they are all electing not to run for various reasons.
Imo it’s not a “fair” shot for whoever takes the spot. You have less time and overall it won’t look good as compared to have been there from the get go.
That’s what’s so frustrating about this, Joe staying in the race might be the best way forward… because he has doubled down all this time.
I’m not American so all I can do is give moral support.
Ya’ll are some doomers, talking about how “Harris will save us!” until she does…
It started the first day a rumor came in that she was going to take over for Biden. Someone who had been posting "don’t vote for Biden: for months immediately posted a “don’t vote for Kamala” post.
The amount of people I know who basically won’t vote until Biden steps down and some magical perfect democratic candidate steps in is wild. And many of them are the type of people to constantly complain about whoever is in power, so when they don’t vote, and Trump is elected, they’ll complain the whole time even though their decisions helped ensure that outcome
against a prosecutor for a president
last thing we need is for the police to get representation
lot of people they put down that have been waiting for someone to be in office like us
Who? Who expressed any interest in running this election cycle? Who was put down?
Nobody. Because it’s political suicide to run against a sitting president.
We did not have a legitimate robust primary.
I’ve seen this argument so many times and it’s getting hard to read it as being given in good faith.
They could’ve run. Period.
It’s 100% a bad faith argument. We’re dealing with the mess that the party leadership created and these people are just posturing for why it’s our fault that party leaders continue to push such terrible candidates in the face of Trump. They did it in 2016, they did it again in 2020, and now once more in 2024. The blame lies squarely with them.
It’s not bad faith. We just disagree. Not everyone who disagrees with you is arguing in bad faith.
It is a bad faith argument when you’re only asking people to list potential candidates so you can nitpick them away and claim that “they could have run against Biden” when we all know that’s not how things work with an incumbent especially if that person needs party funding and support later down the road.
Edit: look at your comment here:
The people who’ve been sounding the alarm for 8 years after Clinton lost and Biden nearly lost are “children” to you. Meanwhile, you have complete faith in the party leadership who keeps fumbling the ball again and again by picking the absolute worst candidates to back. People can’t even win running against a guy like Trump.
This shows your true intentions and why your argument here is in bad faith. You have blind loyalty to whomever the party picks for you and are now throwing a tantrum because they decided your guy wasn’t going to cut it.
Arr we expecting excuses other than “but she’s a woman” or “but she’s black?” They hate that shit
They thought up lots of ways to not vote for the last woman because she was a woman without saying “I can’t vote for her, she’s a woman.” Sure she “wasn’t likeable,” you don’t like women who you don’t wanna sleep with, or who don’t wanna sleep with you, and she’s both. Sure she was tarred with Bill’s shady stuff, but Trump had way worse. And what successful male politician has nothing to regret, even Bernie? What person has been in charge of any aspect of the Middle East without being tangentially involved in bloodshed and chaos? It’s their specialty. Nothing was uniquely disqualifying about her except her vagina. (Not sure if she still had a uterus, hysterectomy is pretty common)
So Kamala will have to make that “weakness” her strength, in a post-Roe world she can defend the right to female bodily autonomy, and also point out the threat to mixed marriage that’s right in there along with the threats to everything LGBTQ+.
Because you think these people want another bad candidate or are you already preparing your excuses for why the terrible party leadership isn’t to blame when they lose to a bloated orange turd again?