Giji Harem, episode 1

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  • @glilimith
    23 days ago

    I couldn’t get myself to watch this all the way through. The animation looks nice and the voice actors are doing a great job, but the dynamic between our leads just reads as sexual harassment to me. I noped out after it seemed like a few scenes in a row were him deliberately goading her into flirting with him as different fetish archetypes when she was clearly uncomfortable, all under the guise of her practicing her craft. Maybe it gets better, but the main dude gave me the ick so bad I had to stop watching. On top of that, the show had a very 4koma / gag manga style of pacing that I just don’t think works as well in anime form, but that might just be my taste.

    I give what I saw of the premiere a 1/5

      12 days ago

      I did not get that at all to be honest. Like 0%. To me that was just playful flirting by both sides and clearly innitiated by her to begin with.

      • @glilimith
        12 days ago

        I felt like it went back and forth, but it was the catgirl scene that really poisoned it for me. She just looked so uncomfortable and like she was about to cry and he seemed to either not notice or not care.

          12 days ago

          Fair enough. That cat girl was initiated by him. But that makes it a 5 to 1 ratio. And I didn’t get the impression that she wasn’t in a position where she couldn’t simply say “no” when she really didn’t want to play that role.

          • @glilimith
            22 days ago

            “Initiated” meaning “created”, sure. But he’s often the one requesting. And just because she can say no doesn’t mean the dynamic isn’t weighted. It often felt to me like she isn’t good at saying no, and will put up with discomfort and embarrassment in order to avoid a confrontation (a common result of ask/guess cultures clashing, which I saw some of in here too)

            To be clear, I do see how someone else could read things differently, but for me the impression came across so strongly, especially in that moment, that I couldn’t see anything in good faith anymore.