I’ve got a Wi-Fi extender that I use when I’m working out back, but my phone will randomly connect to it when I’m in the house and would prefer it connect to the home Wi-Fi.

is there any way yet to tell my phone to prioritize a network?

  • @MangoPenguin
    93 days ago

    So this generally happens because there’s too much overlap between the APs, try reducing transmit power on the 2.4ghz radio on the extender.

    Also making sure that fast roaming is enabled on both APs should help.

    You can also try enabling minimum RSSI on the extender 2.4ghz radio if it supports that.

      • @MangoPenguin
        33 days ago

        Same, if I’m wrong about something I’d love to hear what it is.

        • Hurculina DrubmanOP
          33 days ago

          and it doesn’t help OP to downvote other people’s comments if they’re wrong without explaining why lol