• Snot Flickerman
    2 days ago

    In some ways, you can almost see why trying to “erase” bad ideas is intoxicating, since humans seem endlessly drawn to them.

    It’s like in tech circles, the joke goes that some Sci-Fi writer creates a horrible invention and includes a warning “DO NOT BUILD THE TORMENT NEXUS” and that warning, repeatedly, goes ignored. People are like “but we could make good profit from the Torment Nexus!”

    AI is a good example. “If we don’t make the terrible AI, someone else will, so we have to make the Torment Nexus, errr, I mean AI.”

    But trying to stop all these bad ideas is just Fahrenheit 451 with extra steps.

    • prole
      12 days ago

      AI is a good example. “If we don’t make the terrible AI, someone else will, so we have to make the Torment Nexus, errr, I mean AI.”

      That mode of thought is a byproduct of capitalism.

      • Snot Flickerman
        2 days ago

        I think the Soviets and the space race with the USA would prove that the “We have to build it faster, first!” isn’t just a capitalist thing.

        Capitalism incentivizes it, absolutely. To be clear, I’m not making some “it’s human nature” argument, culture plays a huge role. Capitalist culture influences it greatly, but I think humans “racing” to achieve something before another does is outside the scope of just capitalism.