• @CableMonster@lemmy.ml
    36 days ago

    No lockdowns did not work and we knew that in spring of 2020. I remember watching the CDC data to see what happened and absotely nothing happened. And then later this JPmorgan study came out. Why do you just believe the lies they tell you when there is zero evidence to back it up?

    • @Duamerthrax@lemmy.world
      186 days ago

      What lockdowns? The brief stint where people stayed home for the most contagious variant? That worked, but people decided that hacking in each others faces was more fun then staying home.

      Also, The Sun is a rag.

      • @CableMonster@lemmy.ml
        26 days ago

        Cool, the sun didnt do the data analysis…

        And literally that data analysis clearly and directly showed it didnt work, but I dont think you are actually intersested in data or facts.

        • @CaptPretentious@lemmy.world
          136 days ago

          So, a bank said, staying home didn’t prevent a contagious disease from spreading… And you didn’t question that? You were like ‘the money people said so’ and that was good enough…

          I mean if you wanted to argue it didn’t work because people didn’t listen and didn’t do the lockdown and went out… That just means people are selfish pricks, not that the science wouldn’t have worked. How do you not piece that together? A bunch of MAGA morons yelling ‘my freedoms’, is largely why it kept going. You trusted a bank over the CDC. Fucking wild.

    • Flying Squid
      116 days ago

      Wow. You’re linking to a Rupert Murdoch tabloid newspaper to tell us a study from a bank that agrees with the corporate perspective on lockdowns affective their bottom line.

      I can’t imagine why it agrees with you.