• Captain Aggravated
    164 days ago

    I’m running on an independent ticket. My platform: Unlike the other two candidates no one wonders if I can physically handle the journey from back stage to the podium.

    • @ToastedPlanetOP
      14 days ago

      You’re the hero we needed and the hero we deserved.

      • Captain Aggravated
        144 days ago

        I’m fucking serious, one of the talking heads on the news said Biden needed to “remain upright” to come off well in this debate. That was said of the currently serving commander-in-chief!

        Unlike the actual President Of These United States of America, the 24 hour news cycle probably expects more out of me than “can stand up straight for 30 minutes without incident.”

        Remember when Trump made a point to demonstrate his ability to lift and drink from a glass of water?

        Seriously next time these two appear on stage I want them to step through a hoop to prove there are no wires.