• @MehBlah@lemmy.world
    759 days ago

    They never did figure it out. They had to be told. Conservatives are really bad at seeing the obvious much less any level of nuance.

    • @UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
      9 days ago

      Conservatives love pastiche. So they can just take shit at face value and have a great time.

      No introspection, because that would ruin the fun.

    • @EatATaco@lemm.ee
      28 days ago

      Wait, what is this about? Are you saying that there are some people who can’t figure out that homelander is the bad guy? Can you point me to one of these people?

      • @MehBlah@lemmy.world
        28 days ago

        Just go look through any The boys discussions and you will find those that think he is just doing whats necessary. There you have been pointed.

        • @EatATaco@lemm.ee
          18 days ago

          Just go look through any The boys discussions

          I just had a discussion about it with my friends, some of which are conservatives, and none of the people there were confused as to him being a bad guy, so you’ll have to be more specific than some vague waving around in the air.

          That being said, I get that people might side with him. Just like people side with the joker and Tyler durden. But how do you know they’re conservatives?

          • @MehBlah@lemmy.world
            28 days ago

            Go away troll. No matter what I say you will just come back with some other lame question. Go read the threads and find out. I’m out.

            • @EatATaco@lemm.ee
              17 days ago

              You’re inability to defend the claim is not my fault. It’s easier to call me a troll than admit that maybe the claim is straight up bs.

              • @surewhynotlem@lemmy.world
                27 days ago

                Of course there are some conservatives who think homelander is the good guy. Some percentage of every group is just f****** stupid.

                But if you’re looking for examples, the top comment here is an easy one. There will of course be more out there because conservatives aren’t some monolith who all have the same opinion. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheBoys/comments/1djocb4/comment/l9cld4p/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button

                Of course that’s not representative of all conservatives. The ones you know are probably very fine people.

                • @EatATaco@lemm.ee
                  17 days ago

                  Of course there are some conservatives who think homelander is the good guy. Some percentage of every group is just f****** stupid.

                  Yeah, agreed. I shouldn’t speak in absolutes. There are probably also people from the left who think he is the good guy.

                  But I agree with the sentiment of that comment itself: they idolize him because he does what he wants. I would also add that he projects himself as outwardly strong, which is another train they probably admire. But I don’t think they are confused into believe this is the good guy. I think that thread is actually pretty good evidence of what I suspect - that this isn’t really a thing - because the only thing in that thread that points to any type of evidence is that picture. . .which is certainly open to a ton of interpretation outside of “Homelander is the good guy.”

                  My guess as to what has happened is that some people were idolizing him for his projected strength and arrogance, kind of like how they idolize Trump, maybe even tongue in cheek a bit, and people thought “only conservatives could be that dumb” and then it morphed into “conservatives think Homelander is the good guy.”

                  • @surewhynotlem@lemmy.world
                    17 days ago

                    Ah yeah. The term “good” is overloaded. I don’t think anyone thinks he’s good morally. That would be next level stupid. But I do think some people think he’s ‘good’, as in they idolize him.

                    That said, I don’t even understand the conservative platform anymore. It used to be small government and let people do what they want. But now all the conservatives I know want to use big government to stop people from doing what they want.

                    I think the old conservatives are now “fiscally responsible liberals” maybe?

    • I disagree. It’s the most obvious you can get, like judging a book by the cover without even reading the blurb on the back of it. Why open the book when what it’s about is obvious? No effort, analysis, or thought required.