• @vzq
    17 days ago

    You understand how the thing you typed supports my position, not yours right?

    Liberals have no “ideological purity”, other than “Money is good”. The rest are easily abandoned precepts at best, but more likely fake pretenses from the start.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
      27 days ago

      That doesn’t support your position at all. Liberals have a narrow dogma centred on private ownership, and reject any ideas that conflict with it.

      • @vzq
        17 days ago

        How about we take a break, you read what you posted, then we cycle back? Pay special attention to the paragraph you wrote that starts with “when threatened by populism”.

        • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
          27 days ago

          Perhaps take your own advice, actually try to understand what I said, and then get back to me if you have an actual point to make.

          • @vzq
            7 days ago

            What part of my original comment displayed a dogmatic adherence “liberal” ideology?

            All that private property I didn’t mention? Or was it something else?

            • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
              17 days ago

              Understanding what liberal ideology stands for is key for understanding why liberals are becoming an insular cult now that the ideology is in a crisis. This is precisely the point I’m making here regarding the threat of populism:

              When threatened by populism, liberalism readily abandons its political ideals in favor of preserving the capitalist economic system. Liberalism ultimately serves as a mask for capitalism, concealing its exploitative nature behind a facade of individual freedom and democracy.

              Liberals see both right and left wing populism, which is another term for the democratic will of the majority, as a threat to their core ideology of private ownership. Hence why liberals lash out whenever seeing sources they consider to fall outside the approved liberal Overton window.

              • @vzq
                17 days ago

                Dude, that has no bearing on my comment whatsoever. Just admit you just use “liberal” as a general purpose insult without thinking and move on.

                • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
                  17 days ago

                  I tried having a discussion with you in good faith, and put effort into explaining my position. In response, I got predictable trolling. Bye.