As the question states. I have the skiils and know how to setup a new instsnce and from looking through the documentation its relatively straight forward. Im just wondering would it actually help the fediverse and lemmy as a whole? There seems to already be plenty of instances to choose from. What are your guys thoughts?

    01 year ago

    How much storage does it take to host your own instance that’s federated with large servers? I am really curious about hosting my own instance but I don’t really understand how the storage works and don’t want my computer filled with thousands of strangers comments.

    • BionicSpud
      21 year ago

      In the month I’ve been running my server, I have accumulated about 8GB of data. I’ve subscribed to about 30 communities or so, but my server only has be actively using it.

    • curiosityLynx
      11 year ago

      If you’re the only user on your instance, your server will only know about and fetch from communities you’re personally subscribed to. If there’s a second user, add the communities that user is subscribed to, etc.