• @madcaesar@lemmy.world
    2324 days ago

    Because no viable alternatives have been shown to work.

    Unregulated capitalism is untenable, but regulated capitalism is and remains the best system we’ve been able to come up with.

    I’m all for new ideas, but you’ve got to show some kind of precedence of it working in order to change the largest system in the world.

    • krolden
      1824 days ago

      If the alternatives dont work then why does the ruling class work so hard to squash them?

    • @mojo_raisin@lemmy.world
      24 days ago

      Because no viable alternatives have been shown to work.

      Capitalism has proven it definitely doesn’t work, we’re careening toward ecological collapse.

      Humans existed without state, and therefore with (likely multiple coexisting) informal economic systems for hundreds of thousands of years, I’d say that has been show to work.

      • @lightnsfw@reddthat.com
        524 days ago

        There was nowhere close to the number of humans or level of complexity that there is today when those systems were in place.

        • @mojo_raisin@lemmy.world
          24 days ago

          That doesn’t mean those methods or some form of them can’t work, you just assume this is true because you’ve been given that message by those who need us to believe this for them to maintain power.

          And let’s say no non-state method can possibly work at our scale, is that to essentially throw up our hands and say, “well, since intelligently shrinking our population and economy to a size that can be sustainably managed and is appropriate sized for our planet (i.e. “degrowth”) is unspeakable, and other methods we sorta tried for a bit don’t seem to work, we’ll just go ahead and continue with this known broken method until it all collapses from overexploitation” ??

          Wouldn’t it make more sense to say “I want human society to exist in 100 years and for that to happen, we need to learn to live within the bounds of our planet”?

    • Read up on the Paris Commune, read Homage to Catalonia by Orwell, read up on the anarchists from Manchuria. Those are just the bigger ones I can think of from the top of my head, but there are plenty more (usually smaller scale) examples. Also, read David Graeber’s work, especially The Dawn of Everything like another user suggested.

      The common point of failure for those, was being a smaller entity that was surrounded and attacked by imperialist forces; some of which received help from other, more powerful, imperialist forces that had a vested interest in these groups failing.

      I’m trying to remain cordial and nice, but it’s quite difficult when it seems like usually the people claiming “no viable alternatives have been shown to work” have never actually looked into any alternatives; it hardly feels like good faith argumentation.

    • @Dasus@lemmy.world
      724 days ago

      Socialism is defined as the government owning or regulating the means of production.

      When there’s an actually well regulated market, like say, we have here in the Nordics, you’ll tend to see other socialism alongside it. We have good social security and labour laws. Exactly because it’s regulated market economy we utilise.

      Capitalism does not have aa monopoly on market economies.

      Capitalism is to market economy what cancer is to cell growth.

      Even the US employs socialist policies. As in the policies themselves are socialist in nature. Antitrust laws. Because without them, capitalism would fuck over the economy in a heartbeat.

      If something has been shown to not work it’s capitalism.

      Capitalism is the antithesis of a well regulated market and will always fight regulation in any form, because it’s harder to make profits if you can’t sell unsafe garbage and exploit workers to their death.