• @darthelmet@lemmy.world
    3225 days ago

    Incrementalist policies could have worked if we started decades ago. We’re now at the point where it’s become a catastrophe in progress. The best we’re hoping for at this point is mitigating the disaster if we were to make big changes starting now. It’s kind of all or nothing at this point. Either we do what’s necessary or we don’t.

    The article acknowledges the administrations failures and says that activists need to “hold his feet to the fire” … by voting for him unconditionally? People who take this stance have no concept of power. They think that they can get the government to do what they want simply by writing strongly worded letters and going to the occasional conflict-free protest to hold up signs and then go home.

    If you’re not serious enough about the problem to break away from civil politics and lesser evilism,then we’re doomed. At some point people need to start breaking things.

    • @MrMakabar@slrpnk.net
      824 days ago

      If you want to break the system, you have to built an organization strong enough to do that. Right now that just does not exist in the US. However Biden does some good work and even more importantly he is much less likely to actually fight the build up of such an organization. So in a swing state he is worth voting for. However in none swing states that is a different matter. There voting for say the Green Party is an option.

      One thing is also extremely important. Climate change does not have a single tipping point. Reducing emissions is always a good idea, even if the policy is too slow. It does hurt the fossil fuel industry, which makes it easier to fight them. It also reduces the harm.

      However this idea of everything but a revolution is not worth doing is just plain and simply ignorant of history. Revolutions do not create something new, the change the balance of power. So you need the bones of the next system to be ready and the strength to have a revolution. Both of those are much much much easier to do under Biden.

      • @darthelmet@lemmy.world
        424 days ago

        I agree we need to get organized to make this happen, but I’d push back on the idea that Biden/Democrats would be somehow more amenable to the development of movements that have genuine power to change things.

        Just some of the concerning things to have happened with Democratic support in recent history:

        • They’ve continued to expand the military, which aside from being one of the major sources of pollutants is also a tool to secure more oil/resources and when needed, push back against the protests of the masses and any of the other consequences of climate change like mass migration.

        • They’ve continued to expand the surveillance state, both in capabilities and by eroding legal protections to privacy/security such as attempts to get companies to give them back door access to people’s secure devices, attacks on encryption, etc.

        • When faced with a choice about how to respond to police violence, they decided to support the police.

        • They’ve labeled left wing activists, including climate activists, as potential domestic terrorists.

        People talk about how electing someone like Trump would slide us into fascism as if they can’t see the infrastructure of fascism being built before our eyes. It’s not really a matter of revolution being easier or harder under democrats or republicans. The establishment will push back against challenges to the system with violence regardless.

        Admittedly I’m less familiar with the specifics on the gradual climate change argument, but to my understanding, it seems like there are some things that would make it very difficult to go back from once we let them happen. Various positive feedback loops. Major shortages of water, arable land, and food causing mass displacement. More frequent and intense disasters like storms and wild fires will present major disruptions to organized human life that will make it more difficult for us to build the infrastructure we need to solve our problems. Etc.

        If we do a few small things, but ultimately fail to stop the world from getting to that point in time, are we not still doomed? Scientists have been sounding the alarm bells about this my whole lifetime. Through 2 republican and democratic administrations. And the problem has only gotten worse. It’s borderline suicidal to put any faith in the system that has continued to fail to address the greatest crisis of our time for that long.

        Even if want to pretend that things get better under democrats and worse under republicans, the very fact that our system is built in such a way that allows for such frequent and profound losses of progress is a critical failure of it. To consider this another way: What would you do if Trump wins? Let him do what he wants for 2-4 years and hope you’ll be able to do something next election? Adhering to the rules of the system is killing us. You can’t play nice when the stakes are this high.

    • @Excrubulent@slrpnk.net
      24 days ago

      If you’re not serious enough about the problem to break away from civil politics and lesser evilism,then we’re doomed. At some point people need to start breaking things.

      I agree, although my concept of breaking things is working outside the system to undermine it and render it irrelevant, and to build something better now in spite of it.

      I don’t know if voting or not voting for dems even matters at this point, because the worse their opponents get the more they use that as an excuse not to try. I don’t think they even care to win, so I don’t think threatening not to vote for them works.

      In about a decade the dem approach shifted from “hope & change” to “get a load of this idiot”. I think they’re basically saying the quiet part loud now, that electoral politics doesn’t represent regular people so it doesn’t have to appeal to them.

      (Edit because libs are gonna get mad that I said voting isn’t important. Here libs: vote as far left as you realistically can, which in the US means voting for Biden. I vote for my preferred enemy and giving the Dems more opportunities to disappoint people will radicalise them further left. Are you happy? I said vote for Biden. No of course you’re not happy because I didn’t say to vote for the reasons you like even though that literally doesn’t matter which is the point of forcing people to vote strategically.)