• @itslilith
    1326 days ago

    I’m sure you mean well, but that’s not a word you should refer to people with

    • @macaroni1556@lemmy.ca
      825 days ago

      That’s an awfully kind response to someone who decided hate was on the menu today…

      The world needs more people like you :)

      • @itslilith
        1625 days ago

        I’m not saying that Linux communities aren’t full of queer people (they absolutely are), I’m saying that “trap” is used as a transphobic slur and shouldn’t be used to refer to people unless they explicitly want you to

        • @PriorityMotif@lemmy.world
          225 days ago

          I’m pretty sure it’s just a subgenre of “it’s not gay if” fetish pornography for bi curious cis males who want to be “trapped” by the cute girl next door.

          • @itslilith
            1425 days ago

            sure, but it’s also a derogatory term used as an actual insult against real trans women implying they’re a) not real women and b) trying to deceive men

            • @PriorityMotif@lemmy.world
              225 days ago

              The op in the thread I linked is definitely trying to attract male attention with that image. They know what they’re doing, either guys won’t read and up vote or it attracts guys with a fetish. Either way they’re looking for validation for having feminine features and being trans. I guess I could be more inclusive and call them an attention whore like I would anybody else who posts stuff like that.

              • @itslilith
                925 days ago

                trying to attract attention, feeling confident in their looks or simply cute, there are many reasons they might’ve posted that. Even if it was only meant for attention (which it likely wasn’t, posting on a niche community on a small instance on an obscure platform. posts on unixsocks are mostly by queer people for other queer people), that’d be no different from the millions of other posts in communities like Roast Me or Gone Wild.

                Why do you say guys can only like this content if they’re ignorant or have a fetish? There is nothing strange about liking feminity, and for that it doesn’t matter if the OP is cis or trans. This is exactly the sort of harmful stereotype I was talking about earlier. Trans people are not trying to trick anybody, but just live their lives.

                • Enerhpozyks
                  325 days ago

                  @itslilith It seems like cishet men really thinks everything posted on the internet has to be directed at them 😭

                • @PriorityMotif@lemmy.world
                  225 days ago

                  I would prefer not to be included in other people’s fetish. That includes woman posting pictures of themselves in thiugh highs and those videos where woman are intentionally showing cleavage in order to get people to watch their video longer.

                  • @itslilith
                    325 days ago

                    Then don’t consume that content? The community you linked to is specifically about people posting pictures in thigh highs. There’s also a lot of content I can’t stand, but I’ve curated my media consumption so I rarely if ever need to encounter it