• katy ✨
    41 month ago

    it’s wild how the cornellverse titles look better than this

      • katy ✨
        21 month ago

        which is bananas since they own the big gold belt and don’t use it (also bananas is that they relegated starrcade to a glorified house show because they’re petty)

        • GeekFTWOPM
          11 month ago

          Closest we’ll ever get to them using Big Gold is what they got now for the world title or whatever its called. No way for them to stick a WWE logo on the OG for toy purposes so its worthless to em lol.

          Plus I don’t think WWE actually owns it anymore do they? Flair had the OG Big Gold at his ‘last match’ which usually means he or Conrad own it.

          (Less if you’re talking them using the non-OG big gold which I mean they could just do that too lol).

          • katy ✨
            21 month ago

            well mostly i meant the wcw version since i think the actual te pounds of gold is owned by nwa. but the wcw version is great too (iirc they used it for a bit but that was a while ago)