This brings the total under this administration to $167 Billion in relief for 4.75 million borrowers.

      281 month ago

      It’s not belittling genocide opposition. It’s belittling those who hold democracy ransom over a single issue that they don’t understand, and weren’t even aware was happening for the last several decades.

        1 month ago

        Hypocritical when it’s you holding democracy ransom telling them who to vote for. I am expressing democracy by voting for Jill Stein.

          191 month ago

          You’re knowingly throwing away a vote. There’s not much left that is more anti-democracy. But for now- you can enjoy that right.

            51 month ago

            Projection, you’re literally voting for someone you don’t agree with, so you have a fundamental misunderstanding of democracy.

              111 month ago

              Who said i disagree with him? I dislike a very few things he’s doing, and disagree with how they’re handled. That’s it.

              I’m an adult though. So I understand nuance. And I also know that compromise is how things get accomplished.

              Go ahead and look through a history book and see how many times protest votes and not booting succeeded in actionable results.

              I’ll wait here.

                31 month ago

                Who said i disagree with him?

                You claim to be against genocide several times on your account.

                And I also know that compromise is how things get accomplished.

                Your strategy has managed to move this country to the extreme right wing. Time to admit it doesn’t work and try something else.

                Go ahead and look through a history book and see how many times protest votes and not booting succeeded in actionable results.

                Oh the irony, you’re the one with reading to do. I’m building a movement to improve the country and it starts with support. You would be proudly shouting down civil rights protestors back in the day.

                  61 month ago

                  So…. You didn’t check to see how many times doing nothing has brought change.

                  I’m still waiting.

                    230 days ago

                    You’re the one doing nothing, yes I went though history and checked, turns out not doing anything like you changes nothing. Your plan: vote dem and do nothing for 4 years. My plan: build a movement by supporting the Green party so we have an opposition forcing the Dems to give concessions.


        61 month ago

        It’s not belittling genocide opposition.

        It’s absolutely nothing but.

        over a single issue that they don’t understand

        Yes, opposition to genocide is just because those who oppose it are unenlightened, not because it’s fucking genocide.

        and weren’t even aware was happening for the last several decades.

        Biden hasn’t been selling weapons he knows will be used for genocide for the past several decades. Now do the thing where you sling gaslighting and abuse.

          171 month ago

          For someone who had nothing to say about Palestine before October 7th, you sure love talking down at others from that high horse.

          Your comment is history is almost entirety anti Biden rhetoric, and snarky rebuttals. People have tried to reason with you. You seem to have no desire to debate in good faith at all, so you should understand that It raises questions as to your motive here.

          You have not, and will not find a single person here who supports genocide. Not one. Nor will you find anyone that thinks Biden handling of Palestine to be acceptable in any way. So STOP accusing people of this nonsense.

          It makes you look foolish.

          What people have CONSTANTLY tried to explain to you- is that this situation is very complicated. It’s nuanced. It’s not so simple to demand that something you don’t like be stopped immediately.

          Either make an attempt to debate in good faith or don’t debate.

            61 month ago

            For someone who had nothing to say about Palestine before October 7th, you sure love talking down at others from that high horse.

            Do you suppose that there might have been something that happened between then and now that might have made the genocide undeniable to all but a few bad faith actors?

            Your comment is history is almost entirety anti Biden rhetoric

            I have been massively dissatisfied with his performance, with one notable exception: he exceeded my expectations on student loan forgiveness.

            You seem to have no desire to debate in good faith at all, so you should understand that It raises questions as to your motive here.

            The accusations began the very first time I said that Biden should stop supporting genocide.

            You have not, and will not find a single person here who supports genocide.

            At the very least, genocide denial in the face of obvious genocide is support for genocide. Yes, I have encountered that right here on lemmy.

            Nor will you find anyone that thinks Biden handling of Palestine to be acceptable in any way.

            Seen that too. And not just from the deniers. Mostly it takes the form of “every president since the formation of Israel has been complicit, why start having a problem now?” Sometimes it’s “we can’t stop selling Netanyahu weapons because Republicans will call us antisemitic.” Both are defenses of Biden’s actions themselves, and not merely an admonition to vote for Biden on the grounds that Trump is undeniably worse.

            Of course Trump is worse, and that’s why I’m voting for Biden. But as long as Biden supports genocide, I’m going to say he should stop doing that.

            It’s not so simple to demand that something you don’t like be stopped immediately.

            I’m not going to ask for patient incrementalism over the course of decades here.

              1 month ago

              I’m not really clear why. Biden has ran a competent administration and it’s been like night and day compared to the chaotic horror of the trump admin. Of course, Biden should absolutely be pressured to change policy on Israel. AIPAC is a very powerful force in US politics, however. This is likely to be a close election and talking endless shit about Biden and encouraging people from voting or encouraging them to vote 3rd party absolutely is a gift to Trump. Netanyahu would love for Trump to be elected, as would Putin. It would be a greenlight for them to be even worse in their respective wars. Denigrating Biden and eroding his support will not solve anything for Palestine, and will totally screw Ukraine and Americans.

              Quite obviously, I oppose genocide, and the Palestinians have deserved much better for years. Throwing this election over that issue makes absolutely no sense, though.

                11 month ago

                Of course, Biden should absolutely be pressured to change policy on Israel.

                Democrats in general should be pressured to be better on a host of issues. Complaints are seen as evidence of a vast international conspiracy to install Trump.

                This is likely to be a close election and talking endless shit about Biden and encouraging people from voting or encouraging them to vote 3rd party absolutely is a gift to Trump.

                I’m not encouraging anyone to not vote or to vote third party, and won’t. I do mention that such voters exist and that Biden must appeal to them if he wants to win, because I consider that to be the political reality. Like anything that centrists see as a threat to their slide rightward, that exact phrasing is immediately interpreted as ZOMG RUSSKIE! Demanding silence in the face of genocide is what the bad guys in the documentary do.

                Netanyahu would love for Trump to be elected, as would Putin. It would be a greenlight for them to be even worse in their respective wars.

                And Biden is doing exactly what all three despots want. Continuing supporting Netanyahu is losing Biden voters. As I keep saying and you lot keep ignoring, I’m voting for Biden. But I can’t and won’t ignore that his positions will cause him to lose if he persists.

                Throwing this election over that issue makes absolutely no sense, though.

                Then Biden should stop throwing this election over that issue.

          91 month ago

          You could just ask me, I guess. Am I belittling genocide opposition? No. What I am opposed to is blaming the entire thing on Biden, as if 95% of the rest of the political establishment isn’t involved and wouldn’t have done the same things or worse. “Genocide Joe” is one of the stupidest things I’ve ever heard. People seem totally ready to throw this election to trump, who has made it clear he would be even worse about Palestine, over this single issue, which would fuck over the US in an almost incalculable way. And then, it sure is odd how people who consider themselves leftists or communists spend huge amounts of time and energy bashing Biden and Democrats and NEVER express any concerns about Republicans or Trump. It makes absolutely no sense given that Democratic administrations are much better on issues they claim to care about - clean energy, unions, environmental regulations, women’s rights, appointing reasonable people to courts, and so on.

          Biden hasn’t been selling weapons he knows will be used for genocide for the past several decades.

          The US just started supporting Israel with weapons and finances? Huh, I could have sworn that’s been going on for at least 50 years.

            51 month ago

            They want to be able to smugly say “we told you to listen to us!” While they deny that they’re trying to hold democrat ransom.

            11 month ago

            No. What I am opposed to is blaming the entire thing on Biden

            I blame most of it on Netanyahu. Biden shoudl stop enabling him.

            , as if 95% of the rest of the political establishment isn’t involved and wouldn’t have done the same things or worse.

            “Everyone else would do it” is not a justification for Biden’s support for genocide.

            “Genocide Joe” is one of the stupidest things I’ve ever heard.

            And you haven’t heard it from me. I don’t call him that.

            People seem totally ready to throw this election to trump,

            And any criticism of Biden is support for Trump. Griping about Biden enabling genocide on a small fledgling platform inhabited almost entirely by centrists who just want his critics to shut up isn’t going to throw anything.

            who has made it clear he would be even worse about Palestine, over this single issue, which would fuck over the US in an almost incalculable way.

            Which is why I’m voting for Biden.

            And then, it sure is odd how people who consider themselves leftists or communists spend huge amounts of time and energy bashing Biden and Democrats and NEVER express any concerns about Republicans or Trump.

            What is there about every last centrist’s second choice that needs expressing. They’re fascists. It’s why we’re all stuck voting for Biden. Democrats seeing this and using it as license to be second worst is disgusting behavior.

            This conspiracy nonsense from centrists that russians are hiding behind all dissent is just like Republicans screaming “SOROS!” at all sensory input. It’s not based in any actual logic. You should be fucking livid that Biden is enabling genocide, and I’m seeing precious little evidence that any of you are.

            The US just started supporting Israel with weapons and finances? Huh, I could have sworn that’s been going on for at least 50 years.

            Sounds like a justification for never, ever stopping. BuT nO OnE hErE sUpPoRtS gEnOcIdE.

              130 days ago

              So, you’ve intentionally or not missed the point that Biden does not make all the decisions for the US. He’s in a difficult position especially with Congress and Republicans overwhelmingly supporting Israel.

              And you haven’t heard it from me. I don’t call him that.

              That’s fine. I’m not only discussing you. I’m discussing “leftist bro” people who can’t stop talking shit about Biden constantly and don’t seem concerned at all about Republican plans for Trump and the country. If that’s you, then okay.

              And any criticism of Biden is support for Trump.

              Excessive, unfair and pointless criticism helps Trump, yes. Do Trump and Republicans deserve any crticism? Well, no way, I’ll just talk shit about Biden endlessly.

              Griping about Biden enabling genocide on a small fledgling platform inhabited almost entirely by centrists who just want his critics to shut up isn’t going to throw anything.

              So, it’s interesting how “so leftist bro” people come to places where people are likely to vote for Biden and try to erode his support. Guess who that would help?

              You should be fucking livid that Biden is enabling genocide

              How old are you? Israel has been doing this forever, with full US support. It’s been going on for decades before I was born. Were you livid when the French and British set up the whole thing in the 40s?

              Sounds like a justification for never, ever stopping.

              not in anyway whatsoever is that " justification for never, ever stopping". It’s pointing out that “OMG JOR BIDEN” is just a clueless thing to be fixating on. Again, as if Biden makes all the decisions for the entire country by himself. This was going on for decades before Biden was in power.

              BuT nO OnE hErE sUpPoRtS gEnOcIdE.

              That’s correct, nobody here support genocide. If you want to help Trump be in charge of Palestinian, Ukrainian, LGBT and central American genocides, keep it up.

                130 days ago

                How old are you? Israel has been doing this forever, with full US support. It’s been going on for decades before I was born.

                So, when do we stop? Has it ever even occurred to you that stopping is possible?

                  130 days ago

                  That would be great, i agree we should! But blaming it all on Biden and discouraging people from voting for him is not going to achieve that.

                    129 days ago

                    That would be great, i agree we should!

                    But we’ve been doing it for so long, it must be right!

                    The sunk cost fallacy is a garbage justification for continuing support for genocide. But there’s no good reason so you have to use garbage excuses.

        • flicker
          261 month ago

          In this equation, you are playing victim by painting yourself as “opposition to genocide.” When called on this, you pivoted to pretend the poster was insulting victims of genocide

          I wanted to tell you that kind of cheap pivoting technique doesn’t work here. I’m entirely against genocide and stand with Palestine, but this grandstanding is intellectually dishonest and makes you look like an entire clown.

          I won’t be replying further on this.

            31 month ago

            Never said that. I’m describing you.

            I’m a victim for pointing out that he’s belittling opposition to genocide?

            • theprogressivist
              151 month ago

              No, you’re victimizing yourself as the opposition that’s being belittled. This is why I’m calling you out on victimization.

                21 month ago

                Did I say he was belittling me?

                I said he was belittling all opposition to genocide, which he absolutely was.

                • theprogressivist
                  141 month ago

                  Aren’t you the opposition to genocide in that argument? Hence, you crying about being belittled?

                    21 month ago

                    Scroll up to the beginning. He wasn’t attacking me, he was attacking opposition to genocide. Do you suppose I’m the only one who is vocal about it?

        41 month ago

        You mean the presidential power that biden has been using to bypass congress to maximize weapon shipments to israel?

          121 month ago

          Lame response. Explain US Presidential power, and how they have the ability to tell another country what to do.

              • Milksteaks [he/him]
                21 month ago

                On fear of getting downvoted even being associated with you, I dont see anything wrong with your message. Everyone saying Biden cant do anything because his hands are tied or because congress are wrong. It’s like they never heard of an executive order before. Or he could simply accept there’s a genocide happening and support the ICJ and ICC just like Germany who said they’d help execute the warrants. Withholding funding and arms and possible economic sanctions would be another route

                I think it’s good to be critical of the actions of the party in power no matter who. I know Trump is worse for the US middle east and the world in general but there’s no reason we shouldnt be making Joe sweat to try and get him to do the right thing.

                    41 month ago

                    Everyone here opposes genocide. And you know this. You just seem to enjoy casting aspersions on others for seeming no good reason.

                    No one here has said anything even remotely pro-genocide. What few ever have- are usually rightfully removed/banned.

            31 month ago

            Lame response. Explain US Presidential power, and how they have the ability to tell another country what to do.

            I’ve never said that Biden can order Netanyahu to stop. Israel is a sovereign nation headed by a genocidal madman. One we are not required to support in all his endeavors. Biden can stop selling him weapons. Biden’s administration can stop running interference for him at the UN. And Biden did not need to falsely claim that there is no genocide occurring in Gaza.

              81 month ago

              The Democrats already tried to stop selling weapons to Israel, but that was shut down by the Republicans. Perhaps if you would keep yourself up-to-date you would understand the real problem is… Yet again, the Republicans.

                31 month ago

                The Democrats already tried to stop selling weapons to Israel, but that was shut down by the Republicans.

                That only passed the House. It has not passed the Senate, and Chuck Schumer says it’s not going to the floor for a vote. Even if it passed the Senate, Biden himself would need to sign it. Biden’s hands remain untied. Just how do you imagine legislation works?

                Perhaps if you would keep yourself up-to-date you would understand the real problem is… Yet again, the Republicans.

                Have you considered that you might be smugly incorrect about other things as well?