I thought we should bring some attention to this.

  • @EatATaco@lemm.ee
    41 month ago

    If it’s hard for you to talk about anything other than shitting on the US, that sounds like you have an obsession problem.

    • @TheTetrapod@lemmy.world
      81 month ago

      As an American, I can’t help but wonder why you’re so defensive of the US. It’s like you’re a shitty guy who just heard someone say they would pick the bear.

      • @EatATaco@lemm.ee
        41 month ago

        If it’s an article about the us being shitty, and people point out the us is shitty, I wouldn’t say anything because that’s the topic. But it’s tired when it’s just every time anything is mentioned, someone here has to point out that the us is shitty.

        Basically, you have it backwards. It’s not me constantly being defensive of the us, it’s everyone here constantly attacking it.

        • @n3m37h@lemmy.dbzer0.com
          21 month ago

          Then do your part to not make your country a fucking shithole that throws shit at the rest of the world.

          Fuck has Team America not taught y’all anything?

          • @EatATaco@lemm.ee
            31 month ago

            How does me pointing out that this knee jerk America hating has shit all to do with the article preclude me from working to make the us a better place?

            Or are you like flying squid and you can’t fathom a world where some doesn’t join in a mindless circle jerk, so they just think the exact opposite?

            • @n3m37h@lemmy.dbzer0.com
              21 month ago

              You never had to join in, the fuck do you think would happen when ya commented?

              Oh yes master, America is great and we should never talk I’ll of the land OF THE FREE ^~to not pay taxes as long as you have enough money~^ and home of the brave

              You have no criminals on the streets with the best armed trained police force in the world and holding 25% of the world incarcerated. Wow thank you for making the wold a much safer place by installing managed democracy around the world. Thank you for the bulmark missiles that defended Canada through out the cold war rather than the AV Roe Arrow. Thank you Bill Gates for CN Rail, thank you 3M for C8, thank you Cocola for Fanta, thanks Atrazine and glyphosate

              Thank you America for fucking this planet at every turn

              • @EatATaco@lemm.ee
                11 month ago

                Oh yes master, America is great and we should never talk I’ll of the land OF THE FREE

                So you aren’t smart to get out of black and white thinking.

                • @n3m37h@lemmy.dbzer0.com
                  1 month ago

                  OK I’ll go hide in a cave a forget a massive land mass does not exist, no billionaires that only pay 1-2% taxes. Nope let’s focus across the pond instead of around the world.

                  Oh look China just arrested a billionaire for breaking the law…

                  • @EatATaco@lemm.ee
                    11 month ago

                    OK I’ll go hide in a cave a forget a massive land mass does not exist

                    Is it possible for you to respond to what was said instead of the delusions you’ve created in your mind? At no point have I said anyone should forget about America. Again, you just aren’t smart enough to not thinking black and white: if I don’t shit on America with every chance I get, well, then, I must be blindly jingoistic! lol

          • @daltotron@lemmy.world
            21 month ago

            I mean Team America was a pretty lowkey pro military intervention and pro america movie, to be honest. He’d probably have the opinion he would have if he had watched that movie and especially if he’d listened to the classic longwinded matt and trey speech that they throw in at the end to kind of spell out the message, it’s just that nobody really watches or remembers anything other than the like, first 20 minutes of that movie, where the protagonists get hit with kind of a low point and “america” kind of looks bad, because those first twenty minutes make the most memorable use of the gag.

            • @n3m37h@lemmy.dbzer0.com
              11 month ago

              Team America was a pretty lowkey pro military intervention and pro america movie…

              Did we watch the same movie? It’s SATIRE.

              Also the Kim Jong In “oh herro” and the politicians going “rabble rabble rabble” are some of the most quoted lines from the movie

              “Dicks fuck pussies, and Dicks also fuck assholes”. Greatest speech ever

              • @daltotron@lemmy.world
                11 month ago

                “Dicks fuck pussies, and Dicks also fuck assholes”. Greatest speech ever

                Yeah, that’s what I was referring to. The movie came out in 2004, you know, the year after we invaded Iraq, as was the context of the movie. If you pay attention to that speech, it’s basically just saying that US hegemony is good and US exceptionalism is real, and that our actions are a net positive for the international community. That the international community needs us. That we need to “fuck this asshole”. In combination with the movie making fun of celebrities that had non-interventionist views, and calling them a homosexual slur that will probably get flagged on lemmy, saying that they suck up to dictators. It being satire doesn’t suddenly make the movie mean the opposite of what it meant, that’s just classic irony-poisoning.

                • @n3m37h@lemmy.dbzer0.com
                  11 month ago

                  This has got to be the worst possible take on this movie I have ever heard.

                  Its literally making fun of the American military and the “we’re the best” mentality. The first 20 min (Paris scene) set up that the american military leaves a wake of destruction in their path and everyone hates them for it.

                  The Film Actors Guild are nothing more than “useful idiots

                  Nothing about this movie screams pro military.

                  And for the love of god, learn what satire is